Sunday Noon Downtown: From Miami to Montreal No Tuition Hikes

In Quebec, Canada students have gone on strike fighting against tuition increases, a struggle that we in Florida can understand. As covered in a recent Huffington Post article, Occupy FIU has called for a rally at the Canadian consulate downtown to protest the repression of the infectious student movement in Montreal and against the tuition increases here in Florida.  Below is from the Occupy FIU facebook event:

“The purpose of this rally is to show the Consulate, local officials, and residents of Miami that we are watching. We are aware of a the strike and of the brutal police tactics being used in an attempt to quell dissent. We are aware of the draconian laws which have been put in place which resulted in the largest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history. Not only are we watching. We are taking notes.

The time has come to begin building our power as students, to take a stand against the ever increasing tuition while funds for education drop. We do this in solidarity with the students of Quebec because we understand their struggle”.