Tag: Marxism

  • Democratic Centralism in Practice and Idea: A Critical Evaluation

    We are republishing this in-depth and highly recommended piece on the concept of democratic centralism as part of our series of articles and social media postings relating to the 100 year anniversary of the Russian Revolution. The concept of democratic centralism emerged from Lenin and the Bolsheviks during this period and has reshaped much of the…

  • “If You Want a Better Capitalism”: An Interview on Social Democracy with Gabriel Kuhn

    In the era of Trump, there’s a clear and growing interest in socialism, especially among young people. The first measurable shift began to peek over the horizon in polling data done in the wake of the Occupy movement, showing 49 percent of people ages 18-29 favored socialism over capitalism. The political terrain of the US was rocked…

  • Marxism and Anarchism: A Dialogue

    The following text is based on a transcript of a talk presented by a member of Black Rose/Rosa Negra at an event that took place on February 12, 2017, at the Sepulveda Peace Center in Los Angeles. The talk was presented as part of a “Marxist-Anarchist Dialogue” with a member of the International Marxist Humanist Organization (IMHO), who preferred…

  • The Bolshevik Myth Reloaded

    We are republishing this piece as part of our series of articles and social media postings relating to the 100 year anniversary of the Russian Revolution #RussianRev100Years. This article is based on a talk at the 2016 London Anarchist bookfair republished from the Anarchist Writers site.  It covers the basic myths and realities of the period…

  • To my compañerxs on the Left – A Reaction to the Death of Fidel

    With deaths and anniversaries there’s often a tendency to remember figures and history in a one sided way but as Enrique Guerro-López reminds us the left should aspire to move beyond simplistic and uncritical narratives to understand them in their complexity – a perspective often missing when looking at the legacy of Fidel Castro and…

  • From Theory to Practice, Taking a Critical Look at Leninism

    A Review of A Look At Leninism by Ron Taber. 104 pp. New York , New York : Aspect Foundation, 1988. Download a pamphlet PDF version of this article. By Adam Weaver Where can those looking for a critical understanding of Lenin turn? How can we better understand how the Russian Revolution begin as the…