Category: Chicago

  • Anarchists Against the Wall Speaking Tour

    [scribd id=39975317 key=key-mymlrwt729wnlfp92zt mode=list] Posted by FSAO Four Star Anarchist Organization is co-sponsoring the Anarchists Against the Wall speaking tour.  Come learn more about anarchist resistance to Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people. Date: Thursday, Oct. 28 Time: 6 p.m. Location: Roosevelt University, 430 S. Michigan Ave., Room 326 Speaker:  Sahar Vardi is a 20 year…

  • Stand in Solidarity with Whittier Elementary School Families!

    Posted by anarchistcossack Stand in Solidarity with Whittier Elementary School Families! Prevent CPS from spending $354,000 to demolish a field house. Stock a library for the students instead! UPDATES: Please visit the Whittier Parents’ Committee Facebook page for all the latest.Or contact the parents at, 773-532-4100 and 312-744-6845. Tuesday, Sept 21 A call for…

  • July 31st, “Action Against Fascism and Racism” report

    [slideshow] Posted by Daniel C. In response to the July 31 Call to Action Against Fascism and Racism, members of Four Star Anarchist Organization brought attention to the murder of Anthony Kyser, an unemployed African-American barber, outside of a CVS Pharmacy in the Little Village Neighborhood of Chicago in May. Kyser was choked to death…

  • Solidarity Demonstration with Toronto G20 arrestees

    Posted by atrain A solidarity demonstration for Toronto G20 arrestees is planned for Monday July 26th at 2pm at the Canadian Consulate in Chicago. Last month thousands took the streets of Toronto in opposition to the G20 and the Canadian state. Although nearly a billion dollars was spent to secure the territory around the summit,…

  • Solidarity with the Toronto 900!

    From Four Star: Between June 26th-27 2010, the G-20, an international organization between the protectors of capital, met to discuss how to secure profit during failing economic recession.  Amidst housing and labor crisis, global poverty, lack of international medical care and aid, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and environmental disaster (THANKS BP!) they spent close…

  • Anthony Kyser is not the threat – our bosses and landlords are!

    Posted by atrain On Saturday May 8, Anthony Kyser stole toothpaste and crayons from a CVS Pharmacy located at 2634 S. Pulaski.  The manager of CVS chased Kyser to a back alley where employees held Kyser to the ground while the manager choked him to death.  An off-duty Cook County Corrections Officer on the scene…

  • What I would do with $55,000: Our need for accountability and our failure to realize opportunities and build movements

    Posted by atrain On May 2nd 2010, I received an email in my inbox calling for “solidarity” and “emergency donations” to pay the bail of 11 self-identified anarchists in Asheville, North Carolina. They were alleged to have smashed ATMs, bank windows and small shops in celebration of May 1, International Workers’ Day. The price to…

  • Hotel Workers Stage ‘Wildcat’ Strike in Chicago Wednesday

    Hotel Workers Stage ‘Wildcat’ Strike in Chicago Wednesday

    Posted by atrain For us in Chicago and around the world,  the recent HERE wildcat strike at Hyatt Hotel in Chicago demonstrates that commitment to direct action against capital and owners is absolutely necessary if we are to turn the tides of the constant decline of the labor movement.   Within the last four years,…

  • Solidarity with the Greek workers’ struggle!

    A  statement of solidarity from several anarchist groups Posted by atrain Greece is a test case for the social dismantling that awaits us all. This policy is being enacted by all the institutional parties, by every government and by all of globalised capitalism’s institutions. There is only one way to hold back this policy of…

  • Come out to the Chicago Anarchist Film Festival

    Posted by atrain With the absence of Finding our Roots or larger anarchist gatherings, the 10th Chicago Anarchist Film Festival offers an opportunity to share ideas, reunite with old friends, meet new people and watch amazing radical films.  CAFF points to the importance of long term projects development in movement building and creating momentum. From CAFF: Celebrate…