Category: Federation

  • On the mudslide disaster in Freetown, Sierra Leone

    Photo courtesy Augustine Blango.   The External Communications-International Relations Committee of Black Rose/Rosa Negra (BRRN EC-IRC) is saddened by the ongoing mudslide disaster in Freetown, Sierra Leone, which was entirely avoidable. The city allowed residents to expand into dangerous areas prone to such mudslides, and it bears responsibility for what may be over a thousand…

  • Mourn the Dead, Fight Like Hell for the Living – Statement on Charlottesville

    English Español Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation has received word about the white supremacist, fascist violence committed in Charlottesville today. We are writing to you from our national convention, and we are all feeling for you, together. We are deeply saddened by the loss of our comrade in struggle. Our hearts and minds go out…

  • Response: What Kind of Formation to Build Working Class Power?

    By Tom Wetzel In a recent Socialist Worker piece Bill Keach asks the question, “Does the working class really need a party of its own to fight for and advance its interests?” In order to make his case for a “revolutionary socialist party,” the model favored by Leninists and those in the tradition of Trotskyism…

  • Commentary: Why Did the UAW Vote at Nissan Fail?

    There’s been much attention over the reported loss of a UAW union election at a Nissan plant in Canton, Mississippi on Friday, August 4th. Many see the organizing effort as part of a larger question of whether the US labor movement can organize in the historically unorganized and union-hostile South. New York City IWW organizer…

  • “Guerrillas of Desire” and the Revolutionary Potential of Everyday Struggle

    By Michael Reagan, Truthout A tension between political hunger and fruition runs throughout Kevin Van Meter’s new book on building contemporary revolutionary struggle, Guerrillas of Desire: Notes on Everyday Resistance and Organizing to Make a Revolution Possible, published this month by AK Press and the Institute for Anarchist Studies. Van Meter’s book is a welcome contribution…

  • Anarchism in Latin America: The Re-Emergence of a Viable Current

    Anarchism in Latin America is a forthcoming book scheduled for release in December 2017 by AK Press. Written by Argentinian philosopher and author Angel Cappelletti and translated by the US based Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, the work includes an introduction by Black Rose/Rosa Negra member Romina Akemi and Javier Sethness-Castro. This new translation offers a country-by-country overview of…

  • Audio Interview: What Made the G20 Protests Possible?

    An interview with Cole, a member of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation from Boston, giving his first hand account of the G20 Hamburg protests. He recently authored the piece “What Made Large Scale Resistance Possible at the G20 in Hamburg?” In this interview Cole gives a brief introduction to Black Rose, goes into detail on…

  • We need resistance not cooption: On Trump’s transgender military ban

    By CRS If your response to the army preying on poor communities and communities of color, using poverty as a new draft, is to use that to legitimize the existence of the institution as an escape from poverty rather than to call for abolition of using poor kids as cannon fodder for the wars of…

  • Resources on Anarchism in Asia

    The deep and global history of anarchism in the global south is still being unearthed, recovered and documented. Major strides have been made such as the collection of academic writings Anarchism  and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World: 1870-1940 but there still remains much work to be done. Here we would like to gather…

  • The Hamburg G20 Protests: The Final Straw Interviews Mark Bray

    The Final Straw Podcast interviews historian, author and Black Rose/Rosa Negra member Mark Bray who was present at the G20 protests in Hamburg, Germany. The interview covers what is the G20, the significance of the protests, the culture of protest in Hamburg and how they were organized. You can follow Mark on Twitter @Mark_Bray. Listen…