

Group picture of attendees at BRRN's 10th Anniversary Convention in August 2024 in Oakland, CA.

Black Rose / Rosa Negra (BRRN) is a membership organization with a shared political and strategic orientation.

Our organization is made up of members involved in social struggles in a variety of sectors: workplaces, neighborhoods, schools and universities, etc. Our members are grouped together in Locals (chapters) based on city or region. Locals are made up of a minimum of three Black Rose / Rosa Negra members in good standing. Members of these Locals strategize within the larger framework of the federation, working to knit together struggles and build popular power on local, regional, and national scales.

We bring new members into Black Rose / Rosa Negra with intention. We expect those who join our organization to be involved in active organizing campaigns in the sectors where our members are embedded.

Our admission and integration process for new members is around 2-4 months. This process involves a series of readings, discussions, orientation to the structures of the organization, and integration into our sectoral organizing work. We are also a dues paying organization.

If you live in a city or a region with an existing Local, we will connect you with them in order to coordinate your integration. To check if your city or region has a Local, click here.

We prioritize applicants wishing to join existing Locals, as well as groups of three or more wishing to form new Locals. While we do accept membership inquiries from individuals wishing to join our organization under ‘at-large’ status, such members are expected to actively work toward the formation of new Locals.

When you or your group reach out, please tell us a bit about yourselves, why you鈥檙e drawn to Black Rose / Rosa Negra, and what organizing work you are currently involved in.

Note: Please be patient as we respond. We receive many inquiries from people who are newly politicized or seeking to learn more about anarchism or libertarian socialism. We are happy to talk with you and point you toward educational or organizing resources in your region. If you are new to anarchism, we recommend that you start on this page.

    Name / Nombre (Required)

    Email (Required)

    Subject and City / Tema y Cuidad (Required)

    Message / Mensaje (Required)

    I want to become a member / quiero ser un miembro

    Members of BRRN attending 10th Anniversary Convention in Oakland, CA in August 2024.

    Black Rose / Rosa Negra (BRRN) es una organizaci贸n de miembros con una orientaci贸n pol铆tica y estrat茅gica compartida.

    Nuestra organizaci贸n est谩 formada por miembros involucrados en luchas sociales en una variedad de sectores: lugares de trabajo, barrios, escuelas y universidades, etc. Nuestros miembros est谩n agrupados en Locales (cap铆tulos) seg煤n ciudad o regi贸n. Los locales est谩n compuestos por un m铆nimo de tres miembros de Black Rose / Rosa Negra con buena reputaci贸n. Los miembros de estos Locales elaboran estrategias dentro del marco m谩s amplio de la federaci贸n, trabajando para unir luchas y construir poder popular a escalas local, regional y nacional.

    Traemos nuevos miembros a Black Rose / Rosa Negra con intenci贸n. Esperamos que quienes se unan a nuestra organizaci贸n participen en campa帽as de organizaci贸n activas en los sectores donde est谩n integrados nuestros miembros.

    Nuestro proceso de admisi贸n e integraci贸n para nuevos miembros dura alrededor de 2 a 4 meses. Este proceso involucra una serie de lecturas, discusiones, orientaci贸n a las estructuras de la organizaci贸n e integraci贸n a nuestro trabajo organizativo sectorial. Somos una organizaci贸n que paga cuotas.

    Si vives en una ciudad o regi贸n con un Local existente, te conectaremos con ellos para coordinar tu integraci贸n. Para comprobar si tu ciudad o regi贸n tiene un Local, haz clic aqu铆.

    Damos prioridad a los solicitantes que deseen unirse a Locales existentes, as铆 como a grupos de tres o m谩s que deseen formar nuevos Locales. Si bien aceptamos consultas sobre membres铆a de personas individuales que deseen unirse a nuestra organizaci贸n bajo el estatus “general”, se espera que dichos miembros trabajen activamente para la formaci贸n de nuevos Locales.

    Cuando usted o su grupo se comuniquen, cu茅ntenos un poco sobre ustedes, por qu茅 se sienten atra铆dos por Black Rose / Rosa Negra y en qu茅 trabajo organizativo est谩n involucrados actualmente.

    Si est谩 interesado en unirse a Black Rose / Rosa Negra, complete el formulario a continuaci贸n.

      Name / Nombre (Required)

      Email (Required)

      Subject and City / Tema y Cuidad (Required)

      Message / Mensaje (Required)

      I want to become a member / quiero ser un miembro