Tag: Commentary

  • Sure, We Can Elect The Occasional Democrat Progressive. Then What?

    We reprint this post as part of our ongoing efforts to critically look at left electoralism and to pose an alternative vision of movement building and popular power from below. Here Black Agenda Report editor Bruce Dixon bravely pushes the logic of elections when he states: “What we rarely bother to think through is what…

  • Fresh Bread in Jordan

    Here we share the exclusive reflections of a Jordanian anarchist on the ongoing popular mobilizations that have gripped Jordan beginning on May 30, 2018, as a response to tax-reform measures proposed by the State in accordance with International Monetary Fund (IMF) demands. By Mohammad Abdel Qader Alfar, Architect and Academic As soon as authority was…

  • Senzala or Quilombo: Reflections on APOC and the Fate of Black Anarchism

    The piece “Senzala or Quilombo” was in it’s time a scathing indictment against certain quarters of criticism inside the wider U.S. anarchist movement around the formation of Anarchist People of Color (APOC). First began as a website and list serve that linked various self-identified anarchists of color, the effort blossomed into a 2003 conference in…

  • 3 Reasons to Throw Away July 4th

    July 4th is a celebration of white supremacist settler colonial and here’s what we mean by that. By Tariq Khan 1. The Declaration of Independence is a document based on settler colonialism and genocide If we read the Declaration of Independence in high school or college we know it to be a list of grievances…

  • Beyond Protest in the Age of Trump

    From South Florida Resistance Download a pamphlet version of this article here. In the early days of the Trump administration, we are seeing Trump’s utilization of executive orders to initiate and/or implement a wide array of right-wing policies.  He is starting to make troubling organizational moves, such as the appointment of Steve Bannon- the former…