Tag: Spain

  • Especifismo Before its Critics

    Especifismo Before its Critics

    We present here a translation of an article which appeared on July 7, 2024 in the recently revived Spanish anarchist journal Regeneración Libertaria. The journal describes itself as “a portal for the revolutionary anarchist tendency, concretely of the especifista current, adapted to the Iberian Peninsula”. Despite its original theoretical texts appearing in Spanish, the anarchist…

  • What Went Wrong for the Municipalists in Spain?

    As Spain’s municipalist parties suffered a major setback in May’s elections, Barcelona based author Peter Gelderloos writes on how their own actions and inactions are largely to blame for the loss of support. For those not familiar, municipalism is a political current which emphasizes the building of participatory democracy at the local level through the…

  • Workers Power and the Spanish Revolution

    In a political moment where the tide of fascism appears to be on the march, looking at past examples can provide inspiration, hope and lessons. In this valuable and lucid long-form essay, veteran writer and activist Tom Wetzel details what George Orwell described when first arriving in anarchist dominated Barcelona as his first time actually seeing…

  • Mark Bray’s New Book: Anarchist Education and the Modern School

    Author Mark Bray created a twitter thread to discuss his new book Anarchist Education and the Modern School: A Francisco Ferrer Reader just released on PM Press. For those not on Twitter we created this blog post so you can read along and learn about Francisco Ferrer. (We apologize for the duplicate tweets)  1) THREAD. I'm…

  • The Spanish Civil War: Anarchism in Action

    A classic and detailed introduction to the role anarchism played in the Spanish Civil War and the anarchist revolution within the republican zone. Originally published by Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland). A glossary of political organization names and chronology of events can be found at the end.  Pamphlet Version  Introduction Much has been written about the Spanish…