Tag: Student

  • A Letter From Black Rose Militants in California Public Universities to Our Colleagues

    A Letter From Black Rose Militants in California Public Universities to Our Colleagues

    As members of grad student union UAW 4811 across the University of California begin voting in a unfair labor practice strike authorization in response to the encampment crackdown, members of BRRN who work in California universities drafted the following statement. We write to you as our California-based campuses join the ongoing encampment campaigns at American…

  • Deep Organizing Against Genocide: Palestine and Rooted Social Movements

    Deep Organizing Against Genocide: Palestine and Rooted Social Movements

    In this article several members of Black Rose / Rosa Negra offer reflections on their efforts to bring the fight for Palestinian liberation into their long term organizing efforts. Throughout, an emphasis is made on the distinction between temporary mobilization and an orientation toward sustained organizing in sites of everyday life—our workplaces, schools, and neighborhoods.…