“We Don’t Forgive, We Don’t Forget” Solidarity with Mexico’s Feminist Occupation

Digital art image of masked woman protester from occupation with flames behind her and purple roses to either side. Includes text "no perdonamos, no olvidamos. Translation "we don't forgive, we don't forget."
Graphic by a member of Black Rose/Rosa Negra, original image by Andrea Murica.

For background on the occupation we recommend “Feminist Activists Occupy Human Rights Commission in Mexico to Protest Femicide” and if you would like to support or organize an action in your city, please contact organizers at the email below.

Update: During a Saturday, September 19 solidarity action in Chicago,three participants were arrested and have since been released. For updates follow the Femme Defensa Facebook page and donations towards jail support can be sent via Venmo: @femme-defensa and CashApp: $FemmeDefensa with a flower emoji.

Español Abajo

After the null response of the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), its facilities have been taken over by relatives of victims of violence and forced disappearance, with the support of feminist groups, since Friday, September 4.

Their stories have been circulating as a symbol of resistance to the patriarchal violence permitted and many times perpetrated by the State of Mexico. We, (Okupa Sorority Coalition), invite the community to join us in organizing events and meetings in spaces, in order to weave ties between our own community.

It is planned to start with these events from the night of September 15 and extend until the 22nd, the week of the Independence of Mexico. Not as a celebration of Mexican nationalism, but as a feminist rebellion against the femicide of Mexican and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW).

Our goal is to raise awareness about the struggles and sacrifices of collectives (name them) and individuals, who are still at risk of government reprisals. We seek to grow resistance within our networks, empower our spaces and organize ourselves towards a more feminist future.

We encourage organizations and individuals to organize in front of Mexican consulates and wrestling areas in their countries, cities and neighborhoods, in support of Mexican feminists and feminist causes. This call is supported by:

Lucha Dallas 

En pie de lucha performance 

Crianza Feminista (formely part of NiUnaMenos)

La Conectiva

Black Rose / Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation (NYC, San Antonio, Albuquerque, Miami, and others)

If you or your organization would like to add your event and city to the event list, please send an email with the event information to: luchadallas@gmail.com

“No perdonamos, ni olvidamos” Solidaridad con la okupa feminista de México

Tras la nula respuesta de la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH) las instalaciones de la misma han sido tomadas por familiares de víctimas de violencia y desaparición forzada, con el apoyo de colectivos feministas, desde el viernes 4 de septiembre. 

Sus historias han ido circulando como símbolo de resistencia a la violencia patriarcal permitida y muchas veces perpetrada por el Estado de México. Nosotros, (Coalición Sororidad Okupa), invitamos a la comunidad a unirse a nosotros en la organización de eventos y encuentros en espacios, con el fin de tejer lazos entre nuestra misma comunidad.

Se planea iniciar con estos eventos partir de la noche del 15 de septiembre y extender hasta el día 22, la semana de la Independencia de México. No como una celebración del nacionalismo mexicano, sino como una rebelión feminista contra el femincidio de mujeres indígenas mexicanas y desaparecidas y asesinadas (MMIW). 

Nuestro objetivo es concienciar sobre las luchas y sacrificios de los colectivos (nombrarlos) e individuos,  que todavía corren el riesgo de represalias gubernamentales. Buscamos hacer crecer la resistencia dentro de nuestras redes, empoderar nuestros espacios y organizarnos hacia un futuro más feminista. 

Alentamos a organizaciones e individuos a organizarse frente a los consulados mexicanos y áreas de lucha en sus países, ciudades y barrios, en apoyo de las feministas y causas feministas mexicanas. Esta convocatoria está respaldada por: 

Lucha Dallas 

En pie de lucha performance 

Crianza Feminista (antes parte de NiUnaMenos)

La Conectiva

Federación Anarquista Black Rose / Rosa Negra (NYC, San Antonio, Albuquerque, Miami y mas)

Si usted o su organización desean agregar su evento y ciudad a la lista de eventos, envíe un correo electrónico con la informacion de el evento a: luchadallas@gmail.com