Category: Federation

  • Standing Room Only for Launch of ‘Anarchist Popular Power’

    Standing Room Only for Launch of ‘Anarchist Popular Power’

    From interventions in massive labor unrest at places like the Seral Shoe factory, to involvement in the Worker-Student Resistance Organization (ROE), to clandestine operations undertaken by the federation’s armed wing “OPR-33”, the history of struggle undertaken by FAU militants covered during the brief talk was extensive and captivating.

  • Translation: Union Communiste Libertaire Statement on Uprising in Response to Police Murder of Naël M.

    Translation: Union Communiste Libertaire Statement on Uprising in Response to Police Murder of Naël M.

    For days now, riots have rocked cities across France. This uprising comes in response to the police murder of French born Algerian teenager Naël M. (also stylized ‘Nahel’ and ‘Nael’) on June 27 in Nanterre, a suburb of Paris.

  • Interview: Struggle Against Pension Reform in France

    Interview: Struggle Against Pension Reform in France

    Black Rose / Rosa Negra (BRRN) Introduction This interview was conducted between our sibling organizations Die Plattform (Germany) and Union Communiste Libertaire (France). It focuses on the recent large-scale strikes of French workers starting in January 2023 which were organized in opposition to a proposed ‘reform’ of the country’s pension system—effectively raising the age of…

  • Interview: UPS Teamster on the Possibility of Huge 2023 Strike

    Interview: UPS Teamster on the Possibility of Huge 2023 Strike

    The contract for some 340,000 UPS workers, organized by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), is set to expire at midnight on July 31st. In preparation for a possible walkout, Teamsters across the country began casting strike ballots earlier this week. A strike by UPS Teamsters would be the largest labor action at a single…

  • Translation: 15 Years Building a Strong People, For Socialism and Freedom

    Translation: 15 Years Building a Strong People, For Socialism and Freedom

    This statement by our Argentine sibling organization Federación Anarquista de Rosario (FAR), released in early June of 2023, celebrates 15 years of organizational continuity. The statement traces their careful political and organizational development over the last decade and a half. Black Rose / Rosa Negra extends our greetings and congratulations to FAR. We look forward…

  • Interview: Adjunct Faculty on Recent Rutgers University Strike

    Interview: Adjunct Faculty on Recent Rutgers University Strike

    In April 2023, faculty and graduate student workers at Rutgers University staged an historic five day strike. The strike was mostly over wages and working conditions, and contributed to a recent wave of labor actions at institutions of higher education in the United States. While they did not win everything, the strike led to serious…

  • Bay Area Local Marches to Name & Shame Cop City Funders

    Photographs by Shay Horse | Instagram @huntedhorse On Tuesday, May 30th members of the Bay Area Local of Black Rose / Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation participated in a march alongside a larger coalition which sought to name and shame funders of Cop City. The march took place in Oakland, beginning at Oscar Grant Plaza before…

  • Book Launch: Anarchist Popular Power – Dissident Labor and Armed Struggle in Uruguay 1956-76

    We are excited to announce the launch event for Troy Andreas Araiza Kokinis’ new book ‘Anarchist Popular Power: Dissident Labor and Armed Struggle in Uruguay 1956-76’ published by AK Press. Troy’s book is the first ever English language history of the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU). It was the militants of the FAU who first developed…

  • German Translation of General Strategy Section in Our Political Program ‘Turning the Tide’

    Members of the German political education project, took it upon themselves to translate the general strategy section of our newly announced political program Turning the Tide: An Anarchist Program for Popular Power. We want to extend a warm thank you to these comrades for their work. In the spirit of internationalism, we look forward…

  • May Day 2023: Announcing Our Program

    Illustration by Dinelli. On the 1st of May 1886, hundreds of thousands of workers across the United States initiated a general strike to demand the working day be limited to 8 hours. During a mass meeting in Chicago’s Haymarket Square, a bomb was thrown. After the resultant chaos, 8 anarchist labor leaders were jailed on…