Category: Rochester

  • Positively Revolting: Interview About Anarchism and Organization

    How can we build the popularity and influence of anarchist ideas in movements for social and economic justice in the United States? What’s the point in a specifically anarchist organization? What lessons can we draw from the anarchists of South America? What benefits would be gained by the development of a nationwide anarchist organization? A…

  • Updates from the Building a Revolutionary Anarchism Speaking Tour

    I will be posting updates from each of the stops along the Building a Revolutionary Anarchism Speaking Tour on my personal blog. While the presentation is similar throughout most cities, the history, current context, and interactions with the anarchists and non-anarchists of each city often end up very differently. Each conversation has already led to…

  • Rochester Anarchists and Supporting the Women’s Equality Agenda

    It’s confused many non-anarchists in the Rochester-area, and it would likely confuse many anarchists not in Rochester Red & Black: A legislative proposal, largely being pushed by New York’s nearly autocratic Governor and likely being used a cynical ploy for higher political office has been endorsed by Rochester Red & Black, the local organization of…

  • Occupy Day of Action (video)

    Occupy Day of Action (video)

    Occupy Rochester may no longer be active, but the movement to fight inequality continues!  Here is a speech given by Rochester Red & Black’s Jake Allen on the Occupy Day of Action! [youtube]

  • Direct Action, Occupy and the Power of Social Movements: An Interview With Noam Chomsky

    As a commentator, educator, public intellectual, and one of the best known anarchist voices in the U.S., Noam Chomsky has become a defining perspective as social movements develop.  His analysis of the shift in global capitalism, and our own role in its flux, has seen a recharge of importance as we entered the “new normal”…

  • Marriage or Bust? A Conversation on Marriage Equality

      Love, the strongest and deepest element in all life, the harbinger of hope, of joy, of ecstasy; love, the defier of all laws, of all conventions; love, the freest, the most powerful molder of human destiny; how can such an all-compelling force be synonymous with that poor little State- and Church-begotten weed, marriage? -Emma…

  • They Will Not Pass: Behind the Barricades of Greek Anti-Fascism Part 1

    Rochester Red & Black and The New Significance host an event of Greek Anti-Fascist Action! Taped March 7, 2013 at University of Rochester As has been well documented in the media, the nation of Greece is in the throes of an economic meltdown. Austerity measures aimed at paying off an astronomical debt load have plunged…

  • Take Back the Land: Leonard Spears Confronting Wells Fargo

    [youtube]   Eviction defense is not just marked by an alliance on the eviction blockace, but instead a complete strategy of escalation.  We begin with the identification of demands, a choice on how we want to approach things.  With Leonard Spears, a person who was trying to resist an unjust foreclosure with the help…

  • Remembering Occupy Rochester: Zombie Walk and First Arrests

    For many of us, the Occupy Movement was a time to get excited and involved on a day-to-day level.  Here in Rochester, many followed suit in a mass movement that looked at the occupation of a public space as central to developing the kind of protest culture that was happening around us.  We were, however,…

  • Beyond Procedural Justice: Finding Our Foundations in the Worst Case Scenario

    One of the foundations of foreclosure-based eviction defense tends to be a close reading of the entire mortgage history of the property.  This could include closely looking at all of the ownership records, reading through every single foreclosure document, looking up bank information, and so on.  The idea behind this is two-fold.  First, it gives…