Tag: Anarchism

  • Re-Introducing the Black Anarchism Reader

    A little over four years ago we introduced The Black Anarchism Reader — an expansive collection of texts that span more than 150 years of black anarchist thought. The reader was initially introduced following the popular black rebellions in Ferguson and Baltimore. In the wake of the uprising in Minneapolis, one that has spawned a…

  • Towards a History of Anarchist Anti-Imperialism: Only the Workers and Peasants Will Go All the Way

    Reordering the global hierarchy of wealth, power, and resources are critical questions that any internationalist revolution will face. Often ignored or obscured, South African author Lucien van der Walt provides a well needed overview of the relationship between anarchism and anti-colonial struggles. By Lucien van der Walt “In this struggle, only the workers and peasants…

  • Create a Strong People: Discussions on Popular Power

    This piece by Brazilian anarchist Felipe Corrêa offers important commentary on the concepts of popular power, the state and power more broadly speaking. Translation by Enrique Guerrero-López Versión Español By Felipe Corrêa “Strong people don’t need leaders” Emiliano Zapata The Strategy of Social Transformation To begin the discussion on popular power it is important to…

  • Strategy and Tactics for a Revolutionary Anarchism

    Strategy and Tactics for a Revolutionary Anarchism

    Written by Lusbert, a libertarian communist based in Spain, Strategy and Tactics for a Revolutionary Anarchism lays the foundation for exploring fundamental questions related to class struggle, building popular power, strategy, assessing the correlation of forces, building a revolutionary program and communications infrastructure — all of which we need to develop if we want to…

  • Towards An Anarchist Theory of Power

    The following piece by Brazilian anarchist Felipe Corrêa reviews contemporary discussions of power from an anarchist perspective and their contributions to a broader theory of power for utilization in building analysis and strategy. To avoid confusion the article title has been changed to refer to an “anarchist theory of power” but we have preserved the…

  • Anarchism, Power, Class and Social Change

    This article by Brazilian anarchist Felipe Corrêa discusses the relationship of anarchism with power, class, and revolutionary social change. Starting from a definition of anarchism it proposes to conceptualize power in terms of asymmetric, or uneven, relationships between social forces. It also puts forward that anarchists have a conception of power based on the belief…

  • Means and Ends: The Anarchist Critique of Seizing State Power

    We are excited to publish contemporary thinkers and writers on libertarian socialist and anarchist thought such as Zoe Baker, please consider a patreon contribution to support their work.  -Editor Watch or listen to a YouTube version of this article by Zoe Baker. Click here or scroll to the bottom of this article. By Zoe Baker…

  • Towards Mass Movements: Presentation on Intermediate Analysis

    Below we present a transcribed talk by Pablo Barbanegra on the concept of “intermediary analysis.” Pablo was a member of Miami Autonomy and Solidarity (MAS) which was one of the several groups that merged to found Black Rose/Rosa as a national political organization in 2014. While MAS did not originate the concept of the intermediate…

  • Anarchism and Marxism in Dialogue with Anarchopac

    We are excited to present an excellent overview of anarchist ideas in the form of a discussion between Zoe Baker, the YouTube and Twitter personality previously known as Anarchopac, and Breht from Revolutionary Left Radio as part of an ongoing series of dialogues between anarchism and Marxism. Topics covered include anarchist theory, organizational tendencies within…

  • Voces Libertarias: The Economic, Political and Social Discourse of Puerto Rican Anarchism, 1900 – 1917

    Puerto Rico continues to remain a colonial territory of the United States since it’s military invasion and occupation in 1898 but the rich history of working class and left movements on the island are often little known within the US left. We are excited to publish this essay, which appears courtesy of Theory In Action…