Tag: Assad
Four women icons of the Syrian Revolution
We are reposting this article by Leila Nachawati Rego, originally published in Spanish in El Diario and then translated into English and given additional context in a piece republished on Global Voices by Joey Ayoub, as part of our participation in the Campaign in Solidarity with Middle Eastern Political Prisoners. In 2011, Syrians took to the streets…
Victory of Assad Regime in Ghouta Is Major Defeat for Those Fighting Racism and Capitalist Authoritarianism Globally
Reposting Frieda Afary’s analysis of the Assad Regime’s murderous ongoing siege of Eastern Ghouta and its impending ‘victory’ there. Originally published on the Alliance of Middle Eastern Socialists’ page, 25 February 2018 Those who oppose both the Assad regime and the Jihadists and all the imperialist powers need to focus on a glaring fact: Support…
Contra la Conquista de Alepo Oriental por el Régimen de Assad
Alepo Oriental – crédito Omar Sanadiki/Reuters Les agradecemos a lxs traductores anónimxs que publicaron esta traducción el 28 de diciembre de 2016 en la pagina web Insumissia Los miembros del Comité de Solidaridad Rojava-Siria de Rosa Negra (BRRN-RSSC) condenan con la máxima contundencia al régimen de Bashar al-Assad y a sus aliados rusos e iraníes…
Against the Assad Regime’s Conquest of Eastern Aleppo
We members of the Black Rose/Rosa Negra Rojava-Syria Solidarity Committee (BRRN-RSSC) in the strongest terms condemn the Bashar al-Assad regime and its Russian and Iranian allies for their recent conquest of Eastern Aleppo. This brutal defeat of the Aleppo rebels, who were both secular and Islamist, has entailed massively indiscriminate bombardment and besiegement by the…