Tag: crisis

  • A New Day Coming

    Can you feel the old world dying? Don’t worry, we won’t need to mourn its passing. You’ll recognize the old world from all of the stories that make you feel tired to the bone. “Young black man shot by police while walking home.” “Family evicted by bank too big to fail.” “Workers paid pennies at…

  • Marcha Contra el Desplazamiento en East Boston

    Marcha Contra el Desplazamiento en East Boston

    Militantes del capítulo de Boston de Rosa Negra se han dedicado por más de una década a las luchas de los inquilinos. Después de la crisis de embargos hipotecarios (foreclosure) encontramos a nuestra ciudad de Boston bajo ataque por los especuladores, propietarios y agencias de bienes raices que están aumentando las rentas y desalojando a…

  • Fighting fascism and austerity in Greece

    On Wednesday, April 10, Wild Rose Collective co-hosted an event in Iowa City, Iowa with Pavlos speaking as part of a continental speaking tour about resistance in Greece to both fascism and austerity measures. This event was well attended by about 30 people, and raised over $300 to send to Greek social movement activity. Pavlos spoke on…

  • 1º de Mayo: Después de la Primavera Se Viene un Verano Caliente

    (traducido por Monica Kostas) Crisis Global; Pesadilla Americana La crisis económica mundial trajo una nueva Gran Depresión a las puertas de las familias de la clase trabajadora. Mientras que las corporaciones, funcionarios del gobierno y las burocracias reciben beneficios y compensaciones que baten récords, los menos afortunados se ven forzados a asumir la mayor parte…

  • 11/4/11 7pm: Occupations & Crisis: A film & discussion of La Dignidad de Los Nadies

    Sweat Records 5505 Northeast 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida The system is in crisis, unemployment lines grow daily, and austerity is grinding away at our necessities and way of life. In 2001 Argentina experienced an even greater collapse, and massive movements emerged to build alternatives to the misery that was imposed upon them. Occupations, massive strikes,…


    The Greek working class is angry, and with good reason, with the attempt to load responsibility for the bankruptcy of the Greek State onto their shoulders. We maintain instead that it is the international financial institutions and the European Union who are responsible. The financial institutions have plunged the world, and Greece in particular, into…