Tag: political prisoners

  • BRRN for BDS and Solidarity with Middle Eastern Political Prisoners

    BRRN for BDS and Solidarity with Middle Eastern Political Prisoners

    In memory of Razan al-Najjar, a 21-year old Palestinian nurse who was deliberately killed in Gaza by the Israeli military while responding to an injured protester on June 1, 2018. By Black Rose/Rosa Negra International Relations Committee (BRRN-IRC) In April 2018, Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation voted to endorse the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment,…

  • Four women icons of the Syrian Revolution

    We are reposting this article by Leila Nachawati Rego, originally published in Spanish in El Diario and then translated into English and given additional context in a piece republished on Global Voices by Joey Ayoub, as part of our participation in the Campaign in Solidarity with Middle Eastern Political Prisoners. In 2011, Syrians took to the streets…