Category: Federation

  • Build Our Power – Spread the Strike: A UCSC Strike Leaflet

    We have conjured a mass movement, which presents us now with this choice: allow it to be smothered by fear and self-doubt already trickling in through the expected channels, or, to animate it by reproducing our activity in every corner of the state. For it to live, we must spread the strike.

  • A New Sense of Solidarity? The Democracy Movement in the Dominican Republic

    Today, February 27, the Dominican Republic will celebrate 176 years of independence and also thousands will gather in a central plaza as part of an ongoing protest movement that has rocked the Caribbean nation since municipal elections were suddenly halted a week and a half ago. A comrade from Dominican Republic based group Kiskeya Libertaria…

  • Martin Sostre: Prison Revolutionary

    Martin Sostre: Prison Revolutionary

    By Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin Even in this generation, many young activists know of George Jackson, aka “Comrade George,” Black Panther leader, revolutionary prison writer and organizer who was assassinated in August, 1971, in the California penitentiary, San Quentin. Yet, in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, Martin Sostre (1923-2015) was every bit as well known…

  • An Alarming Cautionary Tale of Fascism: Sons of Denmark

    By Kristen Huizar Denmark in recent years like many other European countries has had a growing diasporic population as a result of ongoing conflict and war in the Middle East. Unfortunately, there have been deadly clashes that has drawn a heated division. In 2015, a deadly shooting occurred as a result of ongoing tension from…

  • How to Win: Blockades in Canada Point To Climate Solution

    Update: Since the publication of this article the RCMP federal Canadian police have offered to withdraw from Wet’suwet’en territory as a condition to negotiate the end of the railroad blockades. This is not a victory but a significant step showing that the blockades have forced the Canadian state to back down. Direct Action Gets the…

  • Strike While the Iron is Hot: Interview on the Growing Wildcat Strike at UC Santa Cruz

    By It’s Going Down Since the wildcat strike at the University of California in Santa Cruz kicked off last Monday, thousands of students have blocked streets and shut down the campus, while riot police from across the State have been mobilized and made over a dozen arrests. Predictably, police violence has broken out on the…

  • Canvassing Is Not Organizing

    A common refrain in some quarters of the left states that elections help build capacity, but Organizing Work contributor Ray Valentine argues that the skills built in canvassing for an electoral candidate do not translate to organizing workplaces or tenants. By Ray Valentine If, like me, you have decided to spend a lot of time…

  • Santa Cruz Grad Students Prepare to Launch Full Strike Next Week

    Santa Cruz Grad Students Prepare to Launch Full Strike Next Week

    Following up on our previous coverage of the wildcat strike and work stoppage launched by UC Santa Cruz grad student workers, participant Cameron A. writes on the workers next move: launching a full strike this coming Monday, February 10. See below for how you can follow and support. By Cameron A. Graduate Student workers at…

  • Review: Don’t Throw Lucy Parsons’ Anarchism Under the Liberal Bus

    Lucy Parsons remains an under recognized yet powerful figure of American radicalism. New scholarship into her life and background is welcome but as this review suggests the recently published Goddess of Anarchy by Jacqueline Jones has a number of critical flaws. Jacqueline Jones. Goddess of Anarchy: The Life and Times of Lucy Parsons, American Radical.…

  • Tenant Organizing When Rising Rent Isn’t the (Main) Issue

    Tenant organizing is once again on the map with much of the attention focused on soaring rents and gentrification in major metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles and the Bay Area. But as Bay Area based Tenant and Neighborhood Councils (TANC) organizer Julian Francis Park writes, tenant organizing has also been taking hold in smaller…