Category: Federation

  • Announcing the Quarantine Livestream!

    Announcing the Quarantine Livestream!

    Are you bored sitting at home? Feel like you’ve watched everything on every streaming service twice over?  Instead of binging the same series for the tenth time, join Black Rose/Rosa Negra as we launch our quarantine livestream. Over the coming weeks we’ll be hosting a series of live panel discussions on a variety of topics…

  • Rent Strike and Tenant Organizing Resources

    Rent Strike and Tenant Organizing Resources

    In the past months millions have lost their jobs and many more have had their hours cut due to the social crisis of COVID-19. These conditions in many ways have fueled the wave of protest and uprisings against anti-Black racism following the murder of George Floyd. And now a new crisis looms as millions have…

  • Strategy and Tactics for a Revolutionary Anarchism

    As COVID-19 continues to spread, triggering an unprecedented global crisis, we need to take up the challenging task of both responding to the urgency of the moment and positioning ourselves for the post-pandemic period, which remains uncertain. This will require a critical engagement with strategy and tactics that are tied to a long-term vision. To…

  • Estrategia y táctica para un anarquismo revolucionario

    Versión PDF English Version Una vez escribí que el anarquismo adolecía de visión estratégica. Más tarde, un espontáneo me recomendó un breve texto sobre estrategia y táctica ambientado en el contexto chileno de los años ’70 y de tendencia marxista-leninista. Y puesto que me pareció interesante (no porque fuera marxista ni chileno, sino por los…

  • Coronavirus Sparks Wave of Walkouts and Wildcats

    Coronavirus is sparking more than fear and rent strikes but also unleashing a wave of walkouts and shutdowns by workers – all around the country workers are confronting their bosses or walking off the job demanding protective equipment, to stop non-essential production, or demand wage increases where they are demeaned essential. Likely we will continue…

  • The “Democratic Road to Socialism” and Bernie Sanders

    The “inside/outside” strategy is a mistaken answer to the question of how we maximize our power to build a classless society.

  • Coronavirus Stories: Crisis, Response, Resistance

    We include here personal accounts from members and allies of Black Rose/Rosa Negra across the U.S. speaking on the direct impacts and responses to the coronavirus crisis underway. Some have been directly affected as healthcare workers, laid off service workers, or having to undergo self-quarantine. Others are on front the lines of the responses through…

  • Lifting the Mask of Capitalist Disaster: The Coronavirus Response

    By Tariq Khan From official disregard and denial to mismanaged response, each day the COVID-19 crisis brings into ever sharpening clarity the hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of the current ruling class. Claims of American exceptionalism and greatness are revealed to be a crumbling mask for the systemic rot that pervades.  One does not have to…

  • Post-Revolutionary Pioneer: Anarchist María Luisa Marín and the Veracruz Renters Movement

    Post-Revolutionary Pioneer: Anarchist María Luisa Marín and the Veracruz Renters Movement

    A history of the Mexican anarchist María Luisa Marín and the 1922 Veracruz Renters’ Movement by Andrew Grant Wood. By Andrew Grant Wood Compañeros: ¡Viva el amor Universal! ¡Viva la emancipación de la mujer! ¡Arriba el Comunismo! ¡Viva la humanidad libre! ¿Mujeres? ¡A la lucha! María Luisa Marín, 1923 When female prostitutes in the Veracruz…

  • The Case for Building New Unions

    In this piece veteran activist and writer Tom Wetzel builds the case on the need for creating new unions and returning to the radical traditions of the labor movement. This piece is a shortened version of a chapter from the forthcoming book Overcoming Capitalism which will be published by AK Press. By Tom Wetzel The British…