Category: Federation

  • The Current Moment in Ireland: Interview with Andrew Flood

    Black Rose / Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation member Brendan Maslauskas Dunn sat down with Irish anarchist, organizer and writer Andrew Flood on February 20, 2020. Flood is a member of the Irish anarcho-communist organization Workers Solidarity Movement. Many of his essays and articles can be found here. The interview took place exactly where you might…

  • Capitalism is the Pandemic: Another World is Possible

    A joint statement by Black Rose/Rosa Negra and our comrades in Coordinadora de las Américas on the Covid-19 crisis. Español Abajo In moments where the COVID-19 pandemic affects various peoples and territories and where the consequences of capitalism are exacerbated; today more than ever, we consider it an urgent task to unite and organize ourselves…

  • Healthcare Workers: Back-To-Work Strikes Can Put Health Before Profit

    Following the release of a recent video statement, healthcare workers members and allies of Black Rose / Rosa Negra produced a follow up statement calling for organizing around back-to-work strikes to oppose the drive to put profits ahead of collective health by exposing millions of workers to untold risks. Catch their list of tips for…

  • Livestream: International Panel Discussion on Covid-19

    Livestream: International Panel Discussion on Covid-19

    On April 11, 2020, Black Rose / Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation hosted a historic panel discussion on the current global health crisis, featuring delegates representing half a dozen anarchist-communist organizations around the world. Panelists spoke on the political situation and response from states, social movements and presented their organization’s analysis of the current moment. Over 100…

  • Livestream: Tenant Power in the Time of COVID

    Livestream: Tenant Power in the Time of COVID

    Amidst the calls for tenant strikes and as many as one-third of U.S. renters not paying rent this past month, Black Rose / Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation’s Quarantine Livesteam series kicked off with a panel discussion on tenant organizing in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This panel brought together tenant organizers from the the…

  • Tenant and Labor Struggles: Get Organized this Saturday

    Tenant and Labor Struggles: Get Organized this Saturday

    In this time of pandemic where millions are unsure how they will afford rent or food, or where others are forced to work under dangerous conditions – we need to step to the plate and show that collective action and organizing can address our needs. A popular saying in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of…

  • Labor Organizing During Covid-19: A University Janitor’s Account

    A University of Washington custodian gives their personal account of workplace organizing under Covid-19 and the importance of labor organizing in this time. By BeauJon McNally I love working but I hate jobs and I hate capitalism. The state of our modern economy is such that even after squeezing in a Bachelors in Anthropology, I…

  • In the Fight of Our Lives: Healthcare Workers Speak Out

    In the Fight of Our Lives: Healthcare Workers Speak Out

    From the front lines of struggle against Covid-19 members and allies of Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra came together to produce this video of personal testimony and a collective statements in support of the National Healthcare Day of Action on April 15, 2020. Watch the video above and we have reproduced…

  • Life Comes At You Fast: The Stunning End of the Bernie Sanders Campaign

    The surprising announcement by Bernie Sanders this week that he will end his 2020 Democratic Party presidential primary bid offers us a critical moment to reflect on the strategic moment we face – especially given the dramatic economic and social crisis of Covid-19 that continues to unfold. This piece critically assesses the core claims of…

  • Create a Strong People: Discussions on Popular Power

    This piece by Brazilian anarchist Felipe Corrêa offers important commentary on the concepts of popular power, the state and power more broadly speaking. Translation by Enrique Guerrero-López Versión Español By Felipe Corrêa “Strong people don’t need leaders” Emiliano Zapata The Strategy of Social Transformation To begin the discussion on popular power it is important to…