Category: Federation

  • In Defense of Autonomy: Seattle’s CHOP Advanced the Movement for Black Lives

    CHOP is dead, long live CHOP! As the police moved to dismantle the Seattle Capitol Hill Organized Protest (formerly “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone”) earlier this morning, this piece by Seattle based historian Micheal Reagan eloquently reflects on the power, significance and important weaknesses inherent in the movement. This piece was originally published by the Institute…

  • How You and Your Co-Workers Can F*ck the Police

    How You and Your Co-Workers Can F*ck the Police

    By Evan Milner The racist police murder of George Floyd has lit a fire in the tinderbox of pandemic-era America. We need to carry that energy and rage into every corner of the country and that includes our workplaces, where we spend a huge fraction of our life. Organizing with your coworkers against racism and…

  • Life and Times at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ/CHOP)

    We republish this interview by Shane Burley with two participants which helps document one facet of the current unprecedented uprising around anti-Black racism taking place. While events at the Seattle Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, which has since been renamed Capitol Hill Organized Protest or CHOP (explanation), remain ever changing the taking of physical space is…

  • Panel: La lucha negra contra la violencia racial

    English Below Como entender la situación de Estados Unidos desde nuestra América en clave Socialista Libertaria? Conversatorio con compañerxs desde Estados Unidos y el sur de Sudamérica. Tras el asesinato de George Floyd por parte de la policía de Minneapolis, se levantaron revueltas en todo Estados Unidos para pedir justicia y denunciar el sistemático asesinato…

  • Summer Agitational Posters

    These posters are designed for quick and easy printing and are centered on social movement struggles that are currently ongoing in the U.S. All of the posters are sized 11×17 inches. For information on how to wheatpaste (also known as flyposting), consult the video at this link: How to Make Wheatpaste for Guerilla Street Art…

  • Re-Introducing the Black Anarchism Reader

    A little over four years ago we introduced The Black Anarchism Reader — an expansive collection of texts that span more than 150 years of black anarchist thought. The reader was initially introduced following the popular black rebellions in Ferguson and Baltimore. In the wake of the uprising in Minneapolis, one that has spawned a…

  • Antifa Isn’t the Problem – Trump’s Bluster is a Distraction from Police Violence

    By Mark Bray, Washington Post Did the tragic video of the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis throw you into a fit of rage? Of sadness and despair? Did it make you want to burn down a police station? Whether it did or (more likely) did not, you might be among the many Americans…

  • Towards a History of Anarchist Anti-Imperialism: Only the Workers and Peasants Will Go All the Way

    Reordering the global hierarchy of wealth, power, and resources are critical questions that any internationalist revolution will face. Often ignored or obscured, South African author Lucien van der Walt provides a well needed overview of the relationship between anarchism and anti-colonial struggles. By Lucien van der Walt “In this struggle, only the workers and peasants…

  • Our Lives Are Essential, Capitalism Is Not

    A joint statement on the current situation and capitalist back to work push. By Coordinadora de las Américas As the number of infected and deceased increases during this pandemic, we, the working class, continue to pay for the consequences of Capitalism, its ambition and maliciousness. Many governments have refused to enact total quarantines, and those…

  • The Lives of Working People Are Worth More Than Profits

    An International Worker’s Day statement by Black Rose/Rosa Negra and our comrades in Coordinadora de las Américas. Español Abajo We are experiencing this May 1 at a particular moment in history: the COVID-19 pandemic has made even more evident the global economic recession that emerged last year, deepening the consequences of capitalism, with the working…