Category: Federation

  • Mikhail Bakunin, 1814-1876: Biography, Readings and Quotes

    A short biography of Russian anarchist and the key early figure of modern anarchism, Mikhail Bakunin. This short biographical essay is followed by links to Bakunin’s core writings, recommended writings on Bakunin as well as some of his most popular quotes.  Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin Born on May 18, 1814 in Pryamukhino, Russia – Died on…

  • Senzala or Quilombo: Reflections on APOC and the Fate of Black Anarchism

    The piece “Senzala or Quilombo” was in it’s time a scathing indictment against certain quarters of criticism inside the wider U.S. anarchist movement around the formation of Anarchist People of Color (APOC). First began as a website and list serve that linked various self-identified anarchists of color, the effort blossomed into a 2003 conference in…

  • Di Bawah Dan Di Luar Trump: Kekuasaan Dan Kekuatan-Kontra

    Di Bawah Dan Di Luar Trump: Kekuasaan Dan Kekuatan-Kontra Diposting pada 22 Desember 2017 – Kutipan Federasi : Anarkisme, Strategi, Teori Strategi dan Analisis Dokumen / Análisis de Coyuntura Disiapkan oleh anggota Komite Analisis dan Strategi BRRN dan disetujui oleh keanggotaan. English Version / Spanish Version PENGANTAR Analisis ini dikembangkan oleh diskusi yang sedang berlangsung…

  • Oral History From the Barricades: Review of May Made Me on 1968 France

    Review of May Made Me: An Oral History of the 1968 Uprising in France by Mitchell Abidor. AK Press, 2018. By Sarah Miller, Philadelphia BRRN From March through May 1968, as the world faced a global upheaval, France experienced a near revolution that is still a living memory. What began as an anti-Vietnam War protest eventually…

  • Capitalist Development in Nicaragua and the Mirage of the Left

    Following up on our recent coverage of the protest in Nicaragua we present this piece looking at the broader context of the left-wing Sandinistas and Daniel Ortega in state power and their model of capitalist development. We recommend our previous postings “One Million Hands Flourishing” by Tanya H.F. and “It’s No Longer About Social Security:…

  • Joel Olson: What is White Supremacy?

    This piece outlining the history and practice of white supremacy in the United States was published as part of the Lexicon pamphlet series created by the Institute for Anarchist Studies which “aims to convert words into politically helpful tools.” Author Joel Olson was a committed organizer, thinker and active within US anarchist politics for many years. He authored The…

  • Gaza Massacre Marks 70 Years of Al-Nakba: We Demand Justice!

    By BRRN External Communications-International Relations Committee (EC-IRC) Today, May 15, 2018, marks 70 years since the founding of Israel and the parallel al-Nakba al-Mustamera, or “ongoing catastrophe,” which this has meant for Palestine’s indigenous Arab population. The ethnic cleansing of between 750,000 and 800,000 Palestinians and the destruction of an estimated 600 Arab villages required…

  • “Wild, Unprecedented” Reformism: The Case of Larry Krasner

    The election of Larry Krasner as Philadelphia District Attorney was hailed by many on the left as a positive example of left electoralism – the election of a “people’s prosecutor.” This piece by Tim Horras of Philly Socialists puts forward well argued criticisms of the assumed narrative around Krasner that the election of progressive politicians…

  • What Wears Us Down: Dual Consciousness and Disability at Work

    While there has been strong and active disability movement, some with a left character, the broader socialist and left tradition has generally been slow to incorporate disability politics into it’s analysis. Not helpful in this respect is that often times questions of ability and ableism are reduced to individualized identities and concerns along the lines…

  • Building Dual Power: Where They Retreat, We Must Advance

    Image: A vote taking place for the Koreatown Popular Assembly in Los Angeles. Learn more on their organizing here. We reprint this piece as part of our ongoing discussions on what a praxis of building popular power and dual power would look like in the US. For some of our previous discussions we recommend reading…