Category: Federation

  • A Door Has Been Opened: Nicaragua’s April 19 Uprising

    A Door Has Been Opened: Nicaragua’s April 19 Uprising

    Complementing our recent articles on the April 2018 protest movement that broke out against proposed neoliberal reforms in Nicaragua, we are excited to republish a more in-depth piece with an inside view into the protests. The piece begins with a day-by-day account of the protests and then dives into the deeper context of underlying issues,…

  • #REDforEd – Teacher Strikes Show Social Movements the Way Forward

    By Michael Reagan There have been growing calls for electoral participation in the wake of the Trump presidential victory and the horrendous political and social climate that have come in its wake. Most of these voices encourage a social movement strategy called “inside/outside” organizing which argues that protest, mobilizations, and disruptions are good, but that…

  • Cuban Anarchists Announce Opening of ABRA Social Center

    We are excited to reprint the below statement from our Cuban anarchist comrades announcing the opening of the ABRA social center and library in Habana today May 5, 2018. Comrades with the Taller Libertario Alfredo López and allied groups have been working for over 10 years to rebuild an anarchist presence in Cuba and the establishment of…

  • A Fight Against Hopelessness: Interview on South Carolina Prisons

    Prisoners, isolated from society, deemed deserving of punishment, and frequently dehumanized, are an ideal target for exploitation and abuse. This interview by prisoner advocate Jared Ware with unnamed radical organizers in prison details conditions within the Lee Correctional Institution in South Carolina. These conditions are deplorable, including easily preventable deaths at the hands of guards,…

  • It’s No Longer About Social Security: Inside the Nicaraguan Student Protests

    It’s No Longer About Social Security: Inside the Nicaraguan Student Protests

    Following up on our article “One Million Hands Flourishing: Nicaragua and the Neverending Task of Planting” by US based Nicaraguan anarchist Tanya H.F. we present an interview with Miranda, a Nicaraguan based anarchist who is deeply involved in the student protest and university occupations. This was based on a podcast interview on Hotwire # 28 released…

  • One Million Hands Flourishing: Nicaragua and the Neverending Task of Planting

    By Tanya H.F. The indigenous neighborhood of Monimbo in Masaya, Nicaragua has a long legacy of resistance. Masaya is located less than an hour Southeast of the capital, Managua. In 1978, the people of Monimbo barricaded themselves, used makeshift weapons and prevented the National Guard from coming into the city, winning the first major victory…

  • Outline of US Labor History with a Focus on the Role of the Left

    This draft document attempts to present a brief decade by decade outline of labor and the labor movement in the US with an emphasis on the role and relation of the left. First published in 2009.  By Adam Weaver Colonial Through Pre-Civil War Period Indentured servants, sailors and slaves organize minor labor protests and rebellions,…

  • With Allies Like These: Reflections on Privilege Reductionism

    We reprint this essay as important contribution to critical discussions around privilege and identity first published in 2014. Although it is hard to say the concepts discussed are “relatively hegemonic” anymore as the article leads with given the fierce debates the left has had more recently, nonetheless the piece presents a number of important and…

  • “Electoral Pursuits Have Veered Us Away”: Kali Akuno on Movement Lessons from Jackson

    By Adam Weaver Introduction Pledging to make Jackson become “the most radical city on the planet,” the July 2017 election of Chokwe Antar Lumumba as Mayor of Jackson, Mississippi is by many accounts an inspiration as to the ability of the left to critically engage in social change through elected office. By no means an…

  • Gay Liberation Through Socialist Revolution – A History of the Lavender and Red Union

    This interview looks at the development, history, politics, and legacy of the Lavender and Red Union, an early gay communist political organization that was based in Los Angeles from 1974 to 1977. M., of Black Rose / Rosa Negra, sat down with a former member of the Lavender and Red Union, also briefly known as the Red Flag Union,…