Category: Federation

  • Syrian War in Year 7: The Age of Cyber Warfare

    We are reposting this critical analysis of the struggle over representation of the Syrian Revolution online which engages with pro-Assad and pro-Russia vantage points, as well as ‘neutral’ and pro-solidarity perspectives. This was originally published by the Alliance of Middle Eastern Socialists, 13 April 2018. By Anonymous We have now entered the 7th year of the…

  • Refusing to Wait: Anarchism and Intersectionality

    This essay argues that anarchists can learn from the theory of “intersectionality” that emerged from the Black feminist movement. Indeed, anarchist conceptions of class struggle have widened as a result of the rise of feminist movements, civil rights movements, as well as the gay, lesbian, queer and trans liberation movements. What can be learned and…

  • Strike To Win: How the West Virginia Teacher Strike Was Won

    The following is a transcribed talk by a West Virginia teacher who was one of several speakers at the Red & Black Party sponsored by the Labor Sector of Black Rose/Rosa Negra and which was held on April 7th at the 2018 Labor Notes Conference in Chicago. Hi everyone, I’m Michael in Monongalia County, that’s…

  • Turning Point USA’s Campaign of Harassment: An Interview with Kristina Khan

    Kristina Khan is an organizer with Black Rose/Rosa Negra, a mother of three married to Tariq Khan, and the primary author of  “Campus Fascism: Turning Point USA and It’s Links to the Far-Right.” This interviewed originally appeared in Public i, a publication of the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center  and has been edited for clarity.  David Prochaska: Talk about…

  • Red & Black Party at the 2018 Labor Notes Conference

    Join us for the Red & Black Party at the 2018 Labor Notes Conference Featuring: Music and conversation, updates from worker organizers in the struggles at Burgerville in Portland (which may become the first recognized fast food union in the US), the West Virginia teachers strike, and Amazon warehouse workers from Poland and London. #PowerFromBelow…

  • Tenant Power from Below: The Los Angeles Tenants Union

    The following interview with Tracy Jeanne Rosenthal of the Los Angeles Tenants Union was conducted by Jessica Lopez and Cesar Montero and originally published in the anti-capitalist and pro-working class paper Salvo. The city of Los Angeles has experienced an increasing number of evictions that are linked to the gentrification process enabled by the state and landlords. Eric…

  • The Lure of Elections: From Political Power to Popular Power

    We recommend this article as a starting point for critical discussions of left electoral strategies and thinking about alternatives based around building power from below. For more related content see our reader, Socialist Faces in High Places: Elections & the Left. By Frank Ascaso, Enrique Guerrero-López, Patrick Berkman and Adam Weaver Originally published at…

  • Active Revolution: Organizing, Base Building and Dual Power

    Versión Español Introduction by Adam Weaver While the larger radical/anti-capitalist left has arguably few universal tenets of strategic agreement, the statement that “a strong left is one that’s rooted in working class and oppressed communities and struggles” is easily one of them. The question that all tendencies and formations grapple with is how do we…

  • Queer Liberation is Class Struggle

    Queer Liberation is Class Struggle

    This piece was written a member of the now defunct Black Orchid Collective based in Seattle, circa 2010. We reprint this text as a key frame of analysis that connects the dots between intersectional and class politics.

  • Brazil: Interview on the Assassination of Marielle Franco

    Brazil: Interview on the Assassination of Marielle Franco

    Brazil has been rocked this past week over the political assassination of Marielle Franco, a prominent Black, feminist and socialist activist in Rio de Janeiro. Franco was also an elected councilor in the Municipal Chamber of Rio de Janeiro and having grown up in a favela neighborhood, the dense informal settlements of the poor and…