Category: Federation

  • CAN Statement in Support of Tariq Khan

    We reprint this statement by the Campus Anti-Fascist Network out of solidarity with our Black Rose/Rosa Negra comrade, Tariq Khan, who has been experiencing a smear campaign led by Turning Point, USA and supported by the alt-right. Please consider writing a brief email in support to campus administrators.  By Campus Anti-Fascist Network (CAN) TO: Assistant…

  • DefendJ20 – Fight the Charges, Build the Movement!

    A Statement by the BRRN Anti-Criminalization Committee On January 18th, two days before the one year anniversary of the J20 demonstrations, the Attorney’s Office in Washington, DC dismissed all charges against 129 defendants who were arrested during the Inauguration Day protests last year. While this is a victory for friends, families, and defendants who showed…

  • Koreatown LA Fights Back on 7-Eleven ICE Raids

    By Black Rosa/Rosa Negra LA and BRRN Social Media Team With Trump planning a major wave of ICE raids targeting Northern California in the coming weeks, especially targeting sanctuary cities, organized community responses are essential to beating back these attacks. The goal, as always with immigration enforcement, is to strike fear in immigrant communities, reinforce their…

  • Solidarity with the Popular Protests in Iran!

    We are reposting this statement on the recent/ongoing protests in Iran written by our comrades from the Alliance of Middle Eastern Socialists. #IranProtests #ClassStruggle #انقلاب #ایران We, the Alliance of Middle Eastern Socialists, support the popular protests in Iran and call on progressives in the region and throughout the world to stand in solidarity with…

  • In Solidarity with Operation PUSH, Florida Incarcerated Workers Strike

    By BRRN Anti-Criminalization Committee On January 15, 2018 prisoners across the state of Florida will refuse to work, as part of a protest against the inhumane environmental and labor conditions in the Florida Department of Corrections.  This protest, named Operation PUSH, will take place on Martin Luther King day. On January 16, 2018, a broad…

  • The Postmodern Left and the Success of Neoliberalism

    By Scott Jay The rise of neoliberalism across the globe for decades, and its continued resilience since the 2007-2008 financial crisis in particular, forces us to ask why there has not been a more successful resistance against it. We might start with the changing structure of the working class, especially in the West, and that…

  • A Review of Anarchism in Korea

    Review of “Anarchism in Korea. Independence, Transnationalism, and the Question of National Development 1919-1984” by Dongyoun Hwang (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2016) By José Antonio Gutiérrez Dongyoun Hwang has been working for many years recovering the history of Korean anarchism, a movement which has been remarkably important for the history of its own country, to…

  • Bajo Trump y más allá:  Poder y contrapoder

    Bajo Trump y más allá: Poder y contrapoder

    Bajo Trump y más allá: Poder y contrapoder Documento de estrategia y análisis / Análisis de Coyuntura Preparado por miembros del Comité de Análisis y Estrategia de BRRN y aprobado por los miembros. Descarga una versión folleto en PDF de este documento: Español/ Ingles Versión ingles de este documento INTRODUCCIÓN Este análisis se desarrolló mediante debates…

  • Uruguay: On the Murder of a Labor Militant by a Scab

      The following are translated statements by the SUTCRA transportation union (El Sindicato Único del Transporte de Carga y Ramas Afines) and the FAU (Federación Anarquista Uruguaya)  SUTCRA communiqué on murder of Marcelo Silvera The Union of Freight Transport and Related Branches (SUTCRA) laments to communicate the condemnable and fateful murder of a comrade and…

  • Turkey holds anarchist activist on false charges

    Translated and edited from Sosyal Savas with additional edits from the Black Rose/Rosa Negra Social Media Team. Anarchist activist İshak Tayak has been arrested and accused of being a member of the Islamic, pro-capitalist Gülen movement linked to the 2016 failed coup attempt. In the pre-dawn hours of October 2, special ops police raided his…