Category: Federation

  • The Limits of Hegemony: A Review of Hegemony How-To

    By Wayne Price, Anarkismo Review of Jonathan M. Smucker, Hegemony How-To: A Roadmap for Radicals How can we build an effective popular movement to change society? That is the subject of this book, which has been widely praised. In my opinion, it has important and profoundly true things to say, but is politically unbalanced and…

  • Koreatown Popular Assembly: Shutting Down ICE, Building Popular Power

    By Black Rosa/Rosa Negra LA and BRRN Social Media Team About 70 activists and community members surrounded and blocked an ICE van in front of LA’s Metropolitan Detention Center in downtown Los Angeles the evening of Thursday, February 15. The action was called for by the Koreatown Popular Assembly 24 hours prior as an emergency…

  • How Do You Practice Intersectionalism? An Interview with bell hooks

    This interview originally appeared in Northeastern Anarchist #15 in 2011 – In June of 2009 bell hooks agreed to be interviewed. We met at a local coffee shop and, over bagels and espresso drinks, discussed her books, politics and thoughts on recent events such as the economic downturn. I found her as forthright in person…

  • The Eye of the Troll Storm: Tariq Khan Interview with It’s Going Down

    Listen: It’s Going Down Interview with Tariq Khan By It’s Going Down In November, PhD student of history in Illinois, father, and Air Force veteran Tariq Khan, found himself in the center of a whirlwind of controversy, and a punching bag for a variety of Alt-Right and Alt-Lite blowhards – from InfoWars, to Gavin McInnes, to Anthony…

  • Was the UC Berkeley Shut Down of Milo Yiannopoulos Worth It?

    Reflections and debates on combating the growth of the far-right are essential. But often mainstream media narratives, which focus on respectability and sensationalize acts of property destruction, are drastically wrong on these questions. This piece from Salon by Black Rose Anarchist Federation member Mark Bray gives some well needed push back around these.  By Mark…

  • Campus Fascism: Turning Point USA and Its Links to the Far-Right

    By Kristina Khan and Shane Burley, Truth Out  On November 22, 2017, Joel Valdez and Blair Nelson, two members of Turning Point USA (TPUSA) and both students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), joined Gavin McInnes on his program, “Get Off My Lawn.” The young “conservatives” excitedly promoted their appearance on his show earlier…

  • “The Center Can’t Hold”: IGD interviews Black Rose Anarchist Federation

    We are excited to present an interview of two comrades from Black Rose Anarchist Federation, Enrique Guerrero-López and Adam Weaver, discussing with It’s Going Down podcast the analysis and strategy document “Below and Beyond Trump, Power and Counter Power.” Topics discussed are the current political moment of Trumpism, social movements and building power from below and…

  • Indonesian Uber Drivers Fight Back with Anarcho-Syndicalism

    As the “uberization” of the US economy continues, along with it is an ever precarious workforce struggling to make ends meet in the dog-eat-dog world of the so-called “sharing economy.” This trend is the same around the world, with Uber claiming to have more than two million drivers in over 80 counties across the globe…

  • ICE Raids & Resistance: An Interview with Black Rose/Rosa Negra – Austin

    In February 2017, Austin, TX was rocked by a series of protests over ICE raids that resulted in over 50 immigrants being detained. Despite backlash from school administration, students played an active role in the mobilizations as they staged walk outs, highway take overs and street protests. The oppressive role of police goes beyone killing black and brown people on the street. In…

  • An Organizer We Need: Fundraiser for Lorenzo Komboa Ervin

    By BRRN Social Media Team Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin is a former member of the Black Panther Party and wrote the seminal text “Anarchism and the Black Revolution” while incarcerated as a political prisoner. His writings, which first circulated in the 1990s, continue to inspire many anarchists today. But most importantly his  on-the-ground community organizing in the…