Category: Federation

  • Below and Beyond Trump: Power and Counter-Power

    Below and Beyond Trump: Power and Counter-Power Strategy and Analysis Document / Análisis de Coyuntura Prepared by members of the BRRN Analysis and Strategy Committee and approved by the membership. Download a PDF pamphlet: English / Spanish Versión Español de este documento INTRODUCTION This analysis was developed by ongoing discussions among members of the Black Rose…

  • “¡Que se vayan todos!” – A New Rebellion in Argentina?

    By comrades with Acción Socialista Libertaria (ASL), Argentina These days people are gathering spontaneously in the streets of downtown La Plata and Buenos Aires neighborhoods. People are taking the streets against the government and in protest of another wave of attacks on social benefits. Moments like these bring flashbacks to the days of December 2001,…

  • On Popular Power in Venezuela: A Statement by Uruguayan Anarchists

    The political situation in Venezuela continues to be embattled and the legacy of Chavismo is one that remains contested and debated on the left. We republish this translated statement by the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU) with their perspectives on the current situation (original link). Founded in 1956 the FAU was one of the strongest anarchist…

  • Twenty-Five Theses on Fascism

    Given the importance of the topic we’ve republished this piece originally appearing in Perspectives on Anarchist Theory published by our friends with the Institute for Anarchist Studies. -BRRN Social Media Team … With the growth of the Alt-Right and the Trumpist movement in the US, the Left has grappled with how to understand and define fascism in…

  • Azadi no. 4 (December 2017): “India and Anarchism: Past, Present, and Future” (A Special Issue)

    We are pleased to share the fourth issue of Azadi (December 2017), a special issue on “India and Anarchism: Past, Present, and Future.” “Azadi, meaning freedom and liberty, is a 4 page newsletter by Indian Anarchist Federation, published and distributed primarily in city of Bhopal. It began in 2017.” Azadi volume 1, issue 4 For…

  • Cuba and the Demonization of Anarchists: A Lesson for Our Times

    Originally titled “Authoritarian Demonization of Anarchists, Cuba and the Gaona Manifesto” By Rafael Uzcategui The possibilities anarchism points toward have many enemies. Its fiercest opponents, however, are those authoritarian regimes which, distorting and subverting the ideas of socialism, have promoted themselves historically as embodying the values of liberty, equality and fraternity. In every situation, state…

  • #UnblockRojava Wins Vs. Facebook Political Censorship

    Wednesday, November 15, 2017 By BRRN Social Media Team VICTORY! – Activists in solidarity with Rojava in the US won an important social media victory today with the #UnblockRojava campaign which pressured Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) to overturn the banning of at least six public Rojava solidarity pages along with over a dozen personal Facebook accounts…

  • For a Theory of Strategy by CAB (Brazil)

    For a Theory of Strategy by CAB (Brazil)

    By Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira – CAB) Translation by S. Nicholas Nappalos   Power, Dominance, and Social Classes Power relations permeate all social relations, and involve social agents in the most diverse disputes and attempts to influence situations. In societies divided into social classes there is a specific power relationship that can manifest…

  • Red and Black October: An Anarchist Perspective on the Russian Revolution for its 100th Anniversary

      A hundred years to the day that the Winter Palace fell in Petrograd—October 25 in the Julian calendar, November 7 in the Gregorian—we present an anarchist perspective on the Russian Revolution, which began in February 1917 with a mass-mobilization and mutinies that deposed Tsar Nicholas II. Though the Revolution contained an awesome amount of…

  • One Hundred Years of Counterrevolution: Introduction to “Bloodstained”

    “Bloodstained, One Hundred Years of Lenninist Counterrevolution” is a newly released book by AK Press compiling together both current and historical critical writings on the Russian Revolution which “forces us to reckon with the past [and] demands we think more carefully about freedom [and] social change.” You can purchase your copy along with many other recommended titles here. This…