Category: Federation

  • Corbyn and the UK Election – A New Day for Electoralism?

    The recent UK election handed the socialist leaning Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn a minor though not insignificant victory. Once again many on the left are discussing the tactic and value of strategies focused on voting and electoral change and advocates for this are eager to present the moment as a major break through. But…

  • Who Are the Anarchists and What is Anarchism?

    Who Are the Anarchists and What is Anarchism?

    We published this piece in 2017 as a helpful starting point to explain the ideas of anarchism and libertarian socialism. For additional introductory materials, scroll to the bottom.  By Thomas Giovanni  Versión Español / Greek In the wake of the use of militant street tactics at the Trump inauguration protests, the controversial shut down of two…

  • Lorenzo Komboa Ervin: Why I Am An Anarchist

    Lorenzo Komboa Ervin is a former member of the Black Panther Party and wrote the seminal text “Anarchism and the Black Revolution” while incarcerated as a political prisoner. This is an excerpt from the sections “Why I Became and Anarchist” and “What I Believe” and the full text can be found in Black Anarchism: A Reader published…

  • Coming Soon: Antifa, The Anti-Fascist Handbook

    From the publisher: As long as there has been fascism, there has been anti-fascism — also known as “antifa.” Born out of resistance to Mussolini and Hitler in Europe during the 1920s and ’30s, the antifa movement has suddenly burst into the headlines amidst opposition to the Trump administration and the alt-right. They could be seen in…

  • Bernie’s new minimum wage bill leaves workers a decade behind

    A new wage bill by Bernie Sanders, which proposes to raise minimum wage to $15 by 2024, raises important questions on movements and the Democratic Party. By Duane Wright   When leftists like myself tell progressives that the role of the Democratic party is to demobilize social movements and get people accepting less than what…

  • Portland May Day: The view from the back of the march

    This was originally published in the The Oregonian as a guest opinion on May 21, 2017 and is an part of a series related to attacks on the Portland May Day demonstration by the Portland PD. For related articles see the links below. By Ayme S. Ueda   May Day was a festive showing of solidarity, bringing…

  • Happy Mothers Day! – What Do Mothers Really Want?

    “All I want for Mother’s Day is that revolutionary, anarchist-feminism.”   Despite the commercialized version of flowers, cards and brunches celebrated today, Mother’s Day has deeply political roots. Abolitionist and feminist Julia Ward Howe wrote the original “Mother’s Day Proclamation” in 1870 calling for the eradication of war and later campaigned for recognition of a “Mother’s…

  • Democratic Centralism in Practice and Idea: A Critical Evaluation

    We are republishing this in-depth and highly recommended piece on the concept of democratic centralism as part of our series of articles and social media postings relating to the 100 year anniversary of the Russian Revolution. The concept of democratic centralism emerged from Lenin and the Bolsheviks during this period and has reshaped much of the…

  • Support anarchist resistance in Turkey!

    Support anarchist resistance in Turkey!

    The anarchist movement in Turkey is a growing, vibrant, and strong force. Just a few small collectives and papers ten years ago, anarchists are now organized across Turkey and North Kurdistan. With their increasing impact and visibility, anarchists have now become a target of repression as Turkey has slid into war and dictatorship. The Black…

  • What is the Difference Between Libertarianism and Anarchism?

    What is the Difference Between Libertarianism and Anarchism?

    We published this brief piece as a resource to dispel some of the common myths around the meaning of what is currently referred to as “libertarianism” and those of anarchism. We should also add that this confusion appears primarily in the US and only within the last 50-60 years. Below are additional resources we recommend. …