Category: Federation

  • When the Riot Cops Attack: Repression and Solidarity in Portland’s May Day

    When the Riot Cops Attack: Repression and Solidarity in Portland’s May Day

    This on-the-ground account is part of a series related to attacks on the Portland May Day demonstration by the Portland police. For related articles see the links below. Events like May Day are a temperature check for the collective hive mind of the left reflecting on the year behind them. Because it is a tradition that skates…

  • A History of May Day: The Struggle for the Eight-Hour Day and Popular Power

    By Black Rose/Rosa Negra Burlington   When the industrial age began, working people had no protection against exploitation by their employers. Ten, twelve, and even 14-hour days were common, and a six-day week was the standard. Economists at the time stated that it was a matter of nature that wages would tend towards the bare…

  • Los próximos 100 días: El primero de mayo y la resistencia obrera bajo Trump

    Un comunicado del Comité de luchas laborales de Rosa Negra Federación Anarquista Versión Inglés haga aqui. Luego de unos “primeros 100 días” implacables de reacción del régimen de Trump, incluyendo a un aumento de ataques hacia lxs inmigrantes, una temporada de caza para los capitalistas, campañas de bombardeo y la amenaza inminente de una nueva…

  • The Next 100 Days: May Day and Worker Resistance Under Trump

    A May Day statement from Black Rose/Rosa Negra Labor Sector Committee Versión Español haga aqui. After a ruthless “first 100 days” of reaction from the Trump regime, including escalating attacks on immigrants, open season for capitalists, bombing campaigns, and the looming threat of a new “law and order,” we stand in solidarity with those taking…

  • To Be Poor and Black in Brazil #LibertemRafaelBraga

    By Campaña por la Libertard de Rafael Braga Follow the campaign webpage and Facebook (Portuguese)   #LibertemRafaelBraga – Rafael Braga Vieira is a black and poor young man, who, until June of 2013, worked collecting material for recycling in downtown streets of Rio de Janeiro. He lived in the streets most of the time, to save…

  • Brazil: Support the Struggle of the Municipal Workers of Cachoeirinha

    In solidarity with the workers and our comrades in Brazil with Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (CAB) we republish this statement highlighting an example of class struggle unionism from below. We also encourage supporters to follow the Facebook page of the Municipal Workers’ Union of Cachoeirinha for updates as well as additional photos and videos of the struggle.   …

  • Workers Power and the Russian Revolution

    We are republishing this review of For Workers Power by Maurice Brinton (available from AK Press or full text here) as part of our series of articles and social media postings relating to the 100 year anniversary of the Russian Revolution #RussianRev100Years.   By Tom Wetzel I was attracted to radical politics in the late 1960s/early ‘70s when…

  • “If You Want a Better Capitalism”: An Interview on Social Democracy with Gabriel Kuhn

    In the era of Trump, there’s a clear and growing interest in socialism, especially among young people. The first measurable shift began to peek over the horizon in polling data done in the wake of the Occupy movement, showing 49 percent of people ages 18-29 favored socialism over capitalism. The political terrain of the US was rocked…

  • Beyond Protest in the Age of Trump

    From South Florida Resistance Download a pamphlet version of this article here. In the early days of the Trump administration, we are seeing Trump’s utilization of executive orders to initiate and/or implement a wide array of right-wing policies.  He is starting to make troubling organizational moves, such as the appointment of Steve Bannon- the former…

  • Feminist Readings and Resources

    Black Rose/Rosa Negra is a proud feminist organization. We take our political inspiration from the historical struggles of working class women, including those who carried out their work in the name of other movements or ideologies. While we value the feminisms that can be found in our own neighborhoods and workplaces, we also seek to…