Category: Federation

  • Interview: Antifa Means No Free Speech for Fascism

    The role of protest and attempts to shut down the talks of alti-right/far-right wing figures such as Milo Yiannopoulos have been a controversial topic on the left and the media. But what are the actual goals of anti-fascists, anarchists and others on the left who advocate giving “no platform”? The following is a transcribed interview with…

  • How to Stop a Pipeline: Trump, DAPL and the Power of Mass Action

    By Arthur Pye, On Power Blog This piece is republished from the On Power Blog from Black Rose comrades in Seattle. You can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.  As Trump escalates the battle over Dakota Access, the movement is left scrambling to respond. But before panicking or losing hope over the renewed construction, we…

  • The Bolshevik Myth Reloaded

    We are republishing this piece as part of our series of articles and social media postings relating to the 100 year anniversary of the Russian Revolution #RussianRev100Years. This article is based on a talk at the 2016 London Anarchist bookfair republished from the Anarchist Writers site.  It covers the basic myths and realities of the period…

  • Contra la Conquista de Alepo Oriental por el Régimen de Assad

    Alepo Oriental – crédito Omar Sanadiki/Reuters Les agradecemos a lxs traductores anónimxs que publicaron esta traducción el 28 de diciembre de 2016 en la pagina web Insumissia Los miembros del Comité de Solidaridad Rojava-Siria de Rosa Negra (BRRN-RSSC) condenan con la máxima contundencia al régimen de Bashar al-Assad y a sus aliados rusos e iraníes…

  • Una amenaza conservadora crea nuevas oportunidades para un feminismo de clase

    Nota de las autoras: Este artículo fue redactado por Romina Akemi y Bree Busk para Solidaridad, el periódico de la organización chilena Solidaridad-Federación Comunista Libertaria. Por esta razón, algunos conceptos y hechos históricos que resultarían familiares a lectores estadounidenses, se hallan explicados en mayor detalle. Dos importantes movilizaciones ocurrieron en la primera semana de la…

  • A Conservative Threat Offers New Opportunities for Working Class Feminism

    Author Note: This article was written by Romina Akemi and Bree Busk for Solidaridad, the newspaper of the Chilean organization Solidaridad – Federación Comunista Libertaria. For this reason, more time is spent explaining history and concepts that would be familiar to a US audience. In the first week of Donald Trump’s presidency, there were two…

  • Building and Claiming Power Under Trump

    We are living during a very scary and important moment in history. The U.S. is witnessing the rise of the sleeping giant of fascism. As a result, folks that were content with the status quo and critical of any type of grassroots militancy are now taking to the streets and opening themselves to new and…

  • Haiti: Still in need of solidarity following Hurricane Matthew

    Hurricane Matthew made landfall on the island of Haiti on October 4th, 2016 as a Category 5 hurricane packing 160 mph winds that killed hundreds of people and caused significant damage. In the occurring aftermath of this and other disasters, the international community reaches out with charitable aid. While immediate relief provides quick support, we…

  • Against the Assad Regime’s Conquest of Eastern Aleppo

    We members of the Black Rose/Rosa Negra Rojava-Syria Solidarity Committee (BRRN-RSSC) in the strongest terms condemn the Bashar al-Assad regime and its Russian and Iranian allies for their recent conquest of Eastern Aleppo. This brutal defeat of the Aleppo rebels, who were both secular and Islamist, has entailed massively indiscriminate bombardment and besiegement by the…

  • Political Situation in Venezuela: Crisis, Trends, and the Challenge of Class Independence

    VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL/SPANISH VERSION: Anarkismo y Rebelión An examination of Venezuela’s process of social transformation, popular struggles and resulting contradictions under Chavismo, PSUV and now Maduro. Author note: This article is a humble attempt to contribute to a critical balance sheet on the process of change and the present political situation in Venezuela. It does…