Category: Federation

  • A Blueprint for a Party of an Old Type

    “Blueprint for a New Party” recently published in Jacobin Magazine advocates a model of building a new left electoral party – but author Scott Jay argues it is strategy that leads to campaigning for Democrats and expanding the focus on electoralism rather than a path to strengthening social movements. By Scott Jay These are desperate…

  • Interview: Breaking the Waves, Creating An Offensive

    A radio interview on feminism, anarchism and building a movement Romina Akemi of Black Rose/Rosa Negra is interviewed by “Free Flow” on KCHUNG Radio broadcasting from Chinatown, Los Angeles discussing “Breaking the Waves: Challenging the Liberal Tendency within Anarchist Feminism” written by Romina and Bree Busk for the Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS). The interview covers…

  • To my compañerxs on the Left – A Reaction to the Death of Fidel

    With deaths and anniversaries there’s often a tendency to remember figures and history in a one sided way but as Enrique Guerro-López reminds us the left should aspire to move beyond simplistic and uncritical narratives to understand them in their complexity – a perspective often missing when looking at the legacy of Fidel Castro and…

  • End Male-State Violence!: Statement from Anarchist Women on Sexual Abuse Law

    Statement from the organization Anarchist Women on the “sexual abuse” bill proposed by the governing AK Party in Turkey which was recently withdrawn after mass protests from women. Among other things, the bill would have pardoned men who raped underage girls if the girls married their rapists. As the AKP is currently ruling through de-facto dictatorship,…

  • Noviembre Rojo, Noviembre Negro – Una Respuesta Anarquista a las Elecciones

    LO QUE NOS ENFRENTA Donald Trump ha sido elegido el presidente número 45 de los Estados Unidos. Como revolucionarixs estamos comprometidxs con un mundo que no tenga lugar para personas ni como Trump ni Hillary Clinton. Sabemos que Clinton hubiese continuado creando un mundo para la clase dominante y probablemente no hubiese hecho nada sustancial…

  • No One is Coming to Save Us

    We bring you this statement from our comrades with May First Anarchist Alliance on the current political moment and especially readers towards the list of concrete steps at the end. No One is Coming to Save Us – An Anarchist Response to the Election of Donald Trump First of May Anarchist Alliance November 2016 A…

  • Red November, Black November – An Anarchist Response to the Election

    A PDF version is available here and ASL translation can be viewed below. WHAT WE ARE FACING Donald Trump has been elected the forty-fifth President of the United States. As revolutionaries we are committed to a world that has no place for the likes of Trump or Hillary Clinton. We know that Clinton would have continued…

  • A New Political Moment: Reactions to a Trump Victory From the Radical Left

    The election of Donald Trump as the President of the United States left many across the left, even veterans of many years, shocked and stunned. Expecting the triumph of the deeply unpopular, status quo neo-liberal candidate Hillary Clinton, the result came in with an electoral college victory for the reviled, narcissistic, right-wing candidate Donald Trump…

  • War on the docks! – Chilean Port Struggles Tour

    War on the docks! – Chilean Port Struggles Tour

    By Black Rose/Rosa Negra Labor Sector Join us in a speaking tour on the struggles and lessons of the Chilean port workers with Nelson Francino Valdes, an anarchist, dockworker, and president of the Federation of Portworkers of Iquique! Nelson has been involved in several of the most important struggles and strikes in Chile in recent…

  • Solidarity Network or Solidarity Advice?: On the Challenges of Building a Solidarity Network

    The article originally appeared under the title“Building a solidarity network is harder than it seems” in the September 2013 issue of the IWW newspaper, the Industrial Worker. It is a review of the pamphlet Build Your Own Solidarity Network by two members of  Seattle Solidarity Network and discusses the authors experience in building a Solidarity Network in Iowa City. Ryan Spourgitis…