Category: Federation

  • The Danger of Trump: A Debate

    In advance of tonight’s Clinton versus Trump presidential debate Black Rose/Rosa Negra presents a debate our own on how we see this political moment. We also want to know your thoughts and encourage you to leave them in the comments here or on our facebook page. The Danger of Trump? The question is: Does the possibility…

  • Audio: A Critical Introduction to the Chinese Revolution

    Audio: A Critical Introduction to the Chinese Revolution

    We present to you this audio recording of a recently hosted and very engaging talk by Elliot Liu of Unity and Struggle on his recently published Maoism and the Chinese Revolution: A Critical Introduction published jointly by anarchist publishers PM Press and Thought Crime Ink based in Canada.  The Chinese Revolution changed the face of the…

  • Feminist Frequency features The Revolutionary Life of Emma Goldman

    Feminist Frequency features The Revolutionary Life of Emma Goldman

    By Tariq Khan, BRRN This short video on Emma Goldman is useful as an introduction, is well produced, is appealing, and will likely spark people’s interest in learning more about Emma Goldman. That last point alone makes it worthwhile. However, be aware that it waters Goldman down to make her palatable to a liberal feminist…

  • Fighting for the Future: The Necessity and Possibility of National Political Organization for Our Time

    This essay is an argument for moving towards national organization in the United States and was published in April 2013 during the opening of the process that led to the founding of what became Black Rose/Rosa Negra. It aims to explore the limitations of political organization today, recent positive experiences, and possible ways to build…

  • Turkey: The Coup is the State, the Revolution is Liberty!

    We publish this statement on the political situation in Turkey following the attempted military coup written by the revolutionary Anarchist organization, DAF (Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet). The group publishes a monthly newspaper Meydan and is active across Turkey and the Kurdistan region in the sectors of youth, women, labor, ecology and the autonomous Kurdish struggle. This translated statement has…

  • On Vigilante Justice and the Need for Social Movements

    “Compared with the wholesale violence of capital and government, political acts of violence are but a drop in the ocean. That so few resist is the strongest proof how terrible must be the conflict between their souls and unbearable social iniquities. High strung, like a violin string, they weep and moan for life, so relentless,…

  • The Coup in Turkey: Tyranny against tyranny does not make freedom

    By Morgan Presta of the Rojava Solidarity Commission of Black Rose/Rosa Negra UPDATE: The coup attempt appears to have been defeated by the government. We can expect that the following months will see in increase in strength for the AKP’s base that came into the streets out to support Erdogan tonight, and an even stronger…

  • Breaking the Waves: Challenging the Liberal Tendency within Anarchist Feminism

    The following article appears in the recent issue of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory that we are republishing with thanks to the Institute For Anarchist Studies. You can support their work by purchasing your own copy of the journal, which includes many other articles around the theme of anarchist-feminisms from AK Press. We also recommend this…

  • Portland Tenants United Lead City Into “Eviction Free 2016”

    Portland Tenants United Lead City Into “Eviction Free 2016”

    “There’s no such thing as “no cause” when it comes to a no-cause eviction,” said Rosalie Nowak, a Portland renter telling a crowd of hundreds about being evicted only a month after moving in. “There’s always a cause. A reason. It’s that you, as a renter, have no right to know what the hell is…

  • A Socialist on City Council: A Look at the Career of Kshama Sawant 

    The case of Kshama Sawant shows that no matter how good the candidate, business as usual rules in elected office This article is part of an ongoing series called “Socialist faces in high places” looking at the left in relation to the electoral path and state power.  By Michael Reagan, Counterpunch 2016 is shaping up to be…