Category: Federation

  • The Black Anarchism Reader

    Black Anarchism: A Reader – PDF In the expansive terrain of anarchist history, few events loom as large as the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Countless books, films, songs, pamphlets, buttons, t-shirts, and more are rightfully devoted to this transformative struggle for social revolution by Spanish workers and peasants. But digging through the mountain of available…

  • Statement from Black Rose North Georgia on “Rock Stone Mountain” White Power Rally

    The legacy of slavery, racial discrimination, racism, and institutional white supremacy are inescapable aspects of life in the US South. In the gap since the Civil Rights and Black Power movements we’ve spent a generation failing to critically examine or confront how these issues continue to manifest themselves in our society–not only in the South,…

  • Kurdish Resistance Against the Curfews in Bakur: An Overview and an Anarchist Message

    From a comrade in Turkey: After the stalling of the peace process between the governing Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the Kurdish freedom movement (in short, the KFM, which supports the legal political party called the People’s Democratic Party [HDP]),  a new phase of oppression has begun through the imposition of draconian curfews. According to…

  • The Murderer State: Statements on the October 10 Massacre in Ankra, Turkey

    10 Ekim or October 10th commemoration held in 2017 of those killed during the Ankara bombing attack On October 10, 2015 a bomb was detonated as hundreds of youth participated in a “Labour, Peace and Democracy” rally in Ankara, Turkey in protest of the Turkish state’s ongoing repression against the Kurdish movement. With 103 killed…

  • Massacre at the “Labor, Democracy and Peace Meeting” in Ankara

    This is a statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action on today’s bombing attack on the pro-Kurdish peace rally in Ankara, Turkey, which has so far killed more than 80 activists:   CAN’T BE FORGOTTEN, CAN’T BE FORGIVEN Today, on the 10th of October, the “Labor, Democracy and Peace Meeting” that was organized by various unions, associations…

  • Brazilian Bakunin: Anarchist Militant Domingos Passos

    A union militant, carpenter by trade, and renowned orator and agitator, Domingo Passos stands out as a figure of early 20th century anarchism in Brazil. While a more detailed profile of Passos, yet alone a contemporary and comprehensive account of Brazilian anarchism, has yet to be published in English we do recommend the 1973 “Anarchists…

  • Nuestras perspectivas y tareas sobre la Revolución en Rojava

    Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra #Rojava #Kobane #solidaridadinternacional Como revolucionarios en Norteamérica quisiéramos resumir los fundamentos de nuestra perspectiva política. Como organización hemos acordado relacionarnos con los eventos recientes y el progreso de la lucha en Rojava en el Oriente Medio. Nuestra Perspectiva La revolución de Rojava probablemente ha hecho un…

  • Socialist Faces in High Places: Syriza’s Fall From Grace and the Elusive Electoral Road

    A note from the authors: “Socialist faces in high places” will be part of an ongoing series looking at the left in relation to the electoral path and state power. By Enrique Guerrero-López and Adam Weaver As various segments of the US radical left begin planting their flags in the electoral arena, Syriza’s recent fall from…

  • Introducing the #straightouttaanarchism meme

    The BRRN social media crew is excited to be dropping a series of memes highlighting historical and present day figures and movements from the global anarchist tradition. As part of reclaiming our legacy of struggle we will be including links with bios, readings and article related to the images. Please comment, like, share, and let…

  • Our Perspectives and Tasks on the Revolution in Rojava

    Our Perspectives and Tasks on the Revolution in Rojava Prepared by members of the BRRN International Committee and approved by the membership. #Rojava #Kobane #internationalsolidarity Versión Español de este documento   As revolutionaries in North America we would like to outline the foundations of our political perspective as well as how we as an organization have…