Category: Federation

  • Police raid teachers union in Ankara, Turkey

    Police raid teachers union in Ankara, Turkey

    Black Rose / Rosa Negra is publishing this news summary as a notice to our friends and comrades who are members of teachers’ unions in the United States about the brutal war-mongering activities of the Turkish state and their repression of the segments of the labor movement that have been in solidarity with Rojava and…

  • Eastern Iowa Solidarity Statement for Meagan Taylor

    On Monday, July 13, 2015, Meagan Taylor and a friend checked into a room at the Drury Inn, in West Des Moines, IA. Upon checking in, Taylor noticed staff acting “really funny” around her and her friend. Shortly thereafter, staff at the Drury Inn called the West Des Moines police, reporting “two males dressed as…


    #‎Rojava‬ #Kobane ‪#‎SurucBomb‬ ‪#‎SuruçtaKatliamVar‬ We re-post this statement by comrades in Revolutionary Anarchist Action in Turkey on the recent bombing, likely by supporters of ISIS, that maimed and killed dozens of mostly young activists organizing to support the revolutionary efforts underway in Rojava. It has been heavily edited for clarity and issues of translation. Yesterday nearly three hundred…

  • Statement on the Recent Massacre in Suruc, Turkey

    BLACK ROSE ANARCHIST FEDERATION / FEDERACION ANARQUISTA ROSA NEGRA (USA)   July 20, 2015 #‎Rojava‬ ‪#‎SurucBomb‬ ‪#‎SuruçtaKatliamVar‬ English Türkçe العربية Español Italiano Português ελληνικά Statement on the Recent Massacre in Suruc, Turkey Today we mourn the loss of friends and comrades and renewing our commitment to an international revolutionary struggle in their memory. At noon,…


    The Consultoría para los Derechos Humanos y el Desplazamiento (CODHES) expresses its profound distress due to the ongoing humanitarian crisis affecting the Colombian civilian population and especially the Afro Colombian and indigenous populations in the Colombian Pacific region. This region traditionally impacted by a dynamics of structural exclusion has been the most affected by the…

  • Help fund our Cuban comrades on a European speaking tour.

    Help fund our Cuban comrades on a European speaking tour.

    Our Cuban comrades are organizing a tour of several European countries  in order to take part in various international forums they  have been invited to in order to speak to the realities of the country from an anarchist perspective and outside of the official Cuban government discourse which seeks to silence people’s struggles for a better and…

  • Solidarity Statement for the First Congress of the Caribbean and Central America Anarchist Federation (F.A.C.C.)

    Haz clic aquí para  la versión en español March 21, 2015 Re: First Congress of the Caribbean and Central America Anarchist Federation (F.A.C.C.) Dear comrades, The Black Rose Anarchist Federation sends a warm greeting of support, fraternal love, and solidarity to all those present at the first congress of the Caribbean and Central American Anarchist…

  • Reflections on Ferguson

    We arrived in St Louis early on the morning of Saturday October 11th, the day of the Community March and Rally. We parked near a market, and emerged not twenty minutes later to find the car sporting a ten dollar ticket for parking without paying the meter. No signs anywhere indicated that parking was metered…

  • Declaración de Solidaridad

    Mike Brown. Trayvon Martin. Reykia Boyd. Eric Garner. John Crawford. Ramarley Graham. Roshad McIntosh. Jordan Davis. Kimani Gray. Sean Bell. Oscar Grant. Yvette Smith. Eleanor Bumpurs. Aiyana Stanley-Jones. Tarika Wilson. Burrell Ramsey-White. Denis Reynoso. DJ Henry. Eveline Barros-Cepeda. Vonderrit Myers Jr. Y a cada otra vida negra o morena robada por los policías quienes sirven…

  • A Statement of Solidarity

    Mike Brown. Trayvon Martin. Reykia Boyd. Eric Garner. John Crawford. Ramarley Graham. Roshad McIntosh. Jordan Davis. Kimani Gray. Sean Bell. Oscar Grant. Yvette Smith. Eleanor Bumpurs. Aiyana Stanley-Jones. Tarika Wilson. Burrell Ramsey-White. Denis Reynoso. DJ Henry. Eveline Barros-Cepeda. Vonderrit Myers Jr. And to every other black and brown life taken from us too soon by…