Category: Federation

  • The Work and the Job

    We rerun this piece which originally appeared on WRC’s blog in June 2011 by a member, and has since featured in the book Lines of Work (Black Cat Press, 2013). “I don’t think I’m cut out to be an employee.” It was a bitter joke.  My friend had just finished venting about one of her…

  • Solidarity Network or Solidarity Service?: on the challenges of building a solidarity network

    The following originally appears in September 2013 issue of the IWW newspaper, the Industrial Worker, with the title “Building a solidarity network is harder than it seems.” Written by WRC member R. Spourgitis, it is a review of the pamphlet Build Your Own Solidarity Network, by two Seattle Solidarity Network members, and is based on…

  • Fighting fascism and austerity in Greece

    On Wednesday, April 10, Wild Rose Collective co-hosted an event in Iowa City, Iowa with Pavlos speaking as part of a continental speaking tour about resistance in Greece to both fascism and austerity measures. This event was well attended by about 30 people, and raised over $300 to send to Greek social movement activity. Pavlos spoke on…

  • May Day – Remembering the past, fighting for tomorrow

    A short history of May Day The first of May is a moment for us to remember the Chicago Haymarket Martyrs of 127 years ago. These Chicago anarchists helped to lead the major battle of the day, not only for the 8 Hour Day, but also for social liberation. The origins of May Day go back…

  • Solidarity with the striking workers of Sisters’ Camelot

    Wild Rose Collective of eastern Iowa joins others in declaring our solidarity with the striking canvass workers of Sisters’ Camelot in Minneapolis. As many of us have been workers in non-profit organizations, we know well that wage labor under some other name than profit enterprise is wage labor nonetheless. Further, the socially positive mission and…

  • A View from the Plains: on organizing in smaller areas of the Midwest

    What would it look like to develop strategies in apolitical areas and smaller areas far from more active and developed places of leftist activity? This is obviously an open-ended question with many implications and courses of action. Since our experiences in Occupy here in Iowa, this question has increasingly become, for me, an important one…

  • Against Fascism, Against Racism

    Against Fascism, Against Racism

    Wild Rose Collective endorses the July 31 Day of Action against Fascism and Racism. The recent membership leak of the neo-Nazi group the National Socialist Movement and other similar leaks demonstrate that across the country fascists are living in our neighborhoods. Here in Iowa City, like many other places across the world, we too have seen murmurings of…

  • Solidarity to the students of Quebec!

    WRC operates in the moderately sized Iowa City, home to the state’s largest university — the University of Iowa. Like many university towns the student population, perhaps the most present in Iowa City, remain relatively silent as political actors. Either unaware of or apathetic to their power to resist the privatization of the University and…

  • May Day and the Fight Back We Need

    Occupy Iowa City held a rally and march as part of Occupy May 1st and the national Day of Action / General Strike. This was given as a speech there by Wild Rose Collective member R. Spourgìtis. On May 1st, 1886, workers across the US went on strike for the 8 hour day. In Haymarket Square in…

  • Occupy the Class War

    It would seem the division is clear. There is the “1%,” and there is the “99%.” We know what, and a lot of time we even know who this “1%” is, although for some reason no one seems to be talking about it. Instead, we tend to speak to the inverse—the “99%”. It is a…