Category: Miami
On the Autonomous Struggle of the Proletariat
by Jan Ever since social agents in social formations became divided into social classes, these classes have always been in struggle. Capitalism/imperialism produces a class that has the historical capacity to struggle to bring an end to exploitation in any social formation. This class is the working class. In the epoch of capitalism, the working…
On Building Revolutionary Consciousness in Practice: Some Brief Reflections on the Insights of Paulo Freire
by Thomas Recently during a discussion on organizing strategy that I was observing, more than participating in, a friend and comrade of mine emphasized the importance of listening in organizing. He wasn’t talking about listening in the sense of listening only to figure out how to market your ideas in more attractive language, or the…
Batay Ouvriye- A Worker’s Flag Day (May 18)
Batay Ouvriye Port-au-Prince, May 27th, 2010 In the context of the Workers Mobilization Month launched during the camps’ first march on April 28th, 2010, and following up on the various activities developed May First, May 18th was a major date (see our previous document: “The mobilization is launched!”). In Haiti, May 18th is Flag Day.…
Twin Cities Nurses Prepare For Largest Nurses Strike in History
by S. Nappalos Over 12,000 Minnesota nurses are set to strike in 14 hospitals across the Twin Cities area. Members of the Minnesota Nurses Association, a union for nurses, are presently in contract negotiations with hospitals in their region. Negotiations have stalled over patient-to-staff ratios, with the union demanding strict safe-staffing ratios, and hospital management…
Justicia Divina
por Carlos El Padre Anselmo, somnoliento y errático aún, activó la cerradura de la puerta doble que le separaba del resto de la residencia parroquial, (y básicamente del resto del mundo), para encontrarse ante la incomoda respuesta de un crujir trabajoso y rechinante hasta el ruido. Lamentó no estar en sueños y que su cuerpo le…
The Missing Option From Jackson Health System Governance Proposals, Real Democracy
S. Nappalos With the recent barrage of crisis, attacks, corruption, and mismanagement at Jackson Memorial Health System, it is reasonable to wonder what the public stands for in public health. Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez has attempted to reopen debate over Jackson’s governance structure through calling for an overhaul of the present system and replacing it…
Libertarian statement of solidarity with the comrades in Oaxaca, Mexico
In light of the tragic events of 27 April 2010, when a solidarity caravan of observers bound for the Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala (Oaxaca, Mexico) was subjected to a cowardly attack by paramilitaries linked to governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, resulting in the death of comrade Beatriz Alberta Cariño Trujillo and Finnish comrade Jyri…
The Greek working class is angry, and with good reason, with the attempt to load responsibility for the bankruptcy of the Greek State onto their shoulders. We maintain instead that it is the international financial institutions and the European Union who are responsible. The financial institutions have plunged the world, and Greece in particular, into…
Privatizing Medicaid In Florida: cutting services and subsidizing profiteers
by S. Nappalos The Florida House and Senate both have been considering bills to privatize Medicaid through turning over management of the health insurance to HMOs (health maintenance organizations). The house bill would extend this throughout the state, while the senate bill seeks merely to expand an ongoing pilot project in a few counties to…
A New Center of Trauma? Irrationality and Healthcare
Recently Kendall Regional Medical Center initiated the application process to be given the right to operate a trauma center under its hospital. The Miami Herald reported on 04/16/10 (1) that Kendall Regional released the following statement “Supported by data that shows that Miami-Dade/Monroe counties need additional trauma services and the ever growing challenges that traffic…