Tag: Anarchism
Black Rose Federation on Building Grassroots Working Class Power
Black Rose/Rosa Negra member Patrick is interviewed by MC Sole, the host of Solecast discussing a range of topics beginning with the anarchist current of “Especifismo,” which can be summarized as: The need for a specifically anarchist organization built around a unity of ideas and praxis. The use of the specifically anarchist organization to theorize…
COPEI: Commentary on Armed Struggle and Foquismo in Latin America
The FAU (Federación Anarquista Uruguaya), founded in 1956, was one on the strongest anarchist movements in Latin America and the originator of the concept of especifismo. In the 1960s, it faced a rising tide of political repression which would culminate in the military dictatorship of 1973-85. As public and legal avenues of political organizing were…
Love and Rage: In Defense of Anarchism
Twenty years after its demise in 1998 the Love & Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation continues to be an important organizational reference for anarchism today. The group’s origins began in 1989 as a project based around creating a monthly newspaper, Love & Rage, later evolving into a more formal network until becoming a formal membership based federation of…
Steps Towards a Strategy of Popular Power: BRRN 5th National Convention
Report on the 5th Black Rose/Rosa Negra National Convention, Los Angeles By Alex Isa and Tanya H.F. with contributions from Agüey Baná and Adam Weaver Note: This version has been updated since the original posting. Amidst heated discussions, mostly due to warm California weather and packed rooms full of enthusiastic militants, 60 members of Black…
¡El socialismo será libre o no será! – Una introducción al Socialismo Libertario
Por Arthur Pye Haz clic aqui para ver un folleto en pdf / English Version Introducción Socialismo es oficialmente una expresión en boga nuevamente. De acuerdo con una encuesta reciente, el 44% de los millennials de EE.UU. “prefieren el socialismo al capitalismo”, e incluso Demócratas populares están comenzando a llamarse a sí mismos socialistas. Tal…
The Spanish Civil War: Anarchism in Action
A classic and detailed introduction to the role anarchism played in the Spanish Civil War and the anarchist revolution within the republican zone. Originally published by Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland). A glossary of political organization names and chronology of events can be found at the end. Pamphlet Version Introduction Much has been written about the Spanish…
Horizontalism: Anarchism, Power and the State
We are excited to present “Horizontalism: Anarchism, Power and the State” by Mark Bray which appears as a chapter in the collection Anarchism: A Conceptual Approach from Routledge. In this piece Bray relates a range of global movements from mass neighborhood assemblies in Argentina, to the squares movement in Europe and Occupy Wall Street to various political conceptions of power,…
Especifismo: The Anarchist Praxis of Building Popular Movements and Revolutionary Organization
First published in The Northeastern Anarchist #11 in Spring 2006, “Especifismo: The Anarchist Praxis of Building Popular Movements and Revolutionary Organization” broke new ground as the first English introductory article on the concept of Especifismo. While being short and limited in scope, it has since become a standard introductory text which has been translated into multiple…
Theory, Ideology and Political Practice: The FAU’s “Huerta Grande”
Image: Chilean Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios (FEL) marching in 2013 with banner “10 years building popular power.” Huerta Grande, or “Large Orchard,” was written in 1972 as an internal discussion document of the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya, after the Tupamaros, a Guevarist group, had failed in their armed strategy of foquismo and right before the brutal…