Tag: Anti-Criminalization Committee
Resources on Street Organizations and Gang Truces
Compiled by Servius G. In light of recent reports about street organizations in Los Angeles making efforts to forge unity in the aftermath of Nipsey Hussle’s death, we wanted to share a few resources for folks to engage with which discuss the history of what people today call “gangs” and their potential to serve as…
Reflections on Ferguson
We arrived in St Louis early on the morning of Saturday October 11th, the day of the Community March and Rally. We parked near a market, and emerged not twenty minutes later to find the car sporting a ten dollar ticket for parking without paying the meter. No signs anywhere indicated that parking was metered…
Declaración de Solidaridad
Mike Brown. Trayvon Martin. Reykia Boyd. Eric Garner. John Crawford. Ramarley Graham. Roshad McIntosh. Jordan Davis. Kimani Gray. Sean Bell. Oscar Grant. Yvette Smith. Eleanor Bumpurs. Aiyana Stanley-Jones. Tarika Wilson. Burrell Ramsey-White. Denis Reynoso. DJ Henry. Eveline Barros-Cepeda. Vonderrit Myers Jr. Y a cada otra vida negra o morena robada por los policías quienes sirven…
A Statement of Solidarity
Mike Brown. Trayvon Martin. Reykia Boyd. Eric Garner. John Crawford. Ramarley Graham. Roshad McIntosh. Jordan Davis. Kimani Gray. Sean Bell. Oscar Grant. Yvette Smith. Eleanor Bumpurs. Aiyana Stanley-Jones. Tarika Wilson. Burrell Ramsey-White. Denis Reynoso. DJ Henry. Eveline Barros-Cepeda. Vonderrit Myers Jr. And to every other black and brown life taken from us too soon by…