Tag: feminism

  • Refusing to Wait: Anarchism and Intersectionality

    This essay argues that anarchists can learn from the theory of “intersectionality” that emerged from the Black feminist movement. Indeed, anarchist conceptions of class struggle have widened as a result of the rise of feminist movements, civil rights movements, as well as the gay, lesbian, queer and trans liberation movements. What can be learned and…

  • Queer Liberation is Class Struggle

    Queer Liberation is Class Struggle

    This piece was written a member of the now defunct Black Orchid Collective based in Seattle, circa 2010. We reprint this text as a key frame of analysis that connects the dots between intersectional and class politics.

  • Top 10 Films on Women Fighting Capitalism and Fascism

    To commemorate March 8th, International Women’s Day, we compiled a list of the top ten films that feature women who challenged patriarchy and capitalism. Finding films with female leads that fit this criterion was difficult since the majority of biopics about individuals or movements revolved around a male revolutionary story line. Here are ten movies…

  • How Do You Practice Intersectionalism? An Interview with bell hooks

    This interview originally appeared in Northeastern Anarchist #15 in 2011 – In June of 2009 bell hooks agreed to be interviewed. We met at a local coffee shop and, over bagels and espresso drinks, discussed her books, politics and thoughts on recent events such as the economic downturn. I found her as forthright in person…

  • Feminists Against Capitalism

    by Romina Akemi On May 8, 2017 the LA-based feminist collective Intersectionality NOW organized an event at the Women’s Center for Creative Work titled Feminists Against Capitalism. The panel participants included Miranda Sklaroff from the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Left Caucus, Solîn Bendewa who is an editor for the social media platform The Middle…

  • Happy Mothers Day! – What Do Mothers Really Want?

    “All I want for Mother’s Day is that revolutionary, anarchist-feminism.”   Despite the commercialized version of flowers, cards and brunches celebrated today, Mother’s Day has deeply political roots. Abolitionist and feminist Julia Ward Howe wrote the original “Mother’s Day Proclamation” in 1870 calling for the eradication of war and later campaigned for recognition of a “Mother’s…

  • Feminist Readings and Resources

    Black Rose/Rosa Negra is a proud feminist organization. We take our political inspiration from the historical struggles of working class women, including those who carried out their work in the name of other movements or ideologies. While we value the feminisms that can be found in our own neighborhoods and workplaces, we also seek to…

  • Una amenaza conservadora crea nuevas oportunidades para un feminismo de clase

    Nota de las autoras: Este artículo fue redactado por Romina Akemi y Bree Busk para Solidaridad, el periódico de la organización chilena Solidaridad-Federación Comunista Libertaria. Por esta razón, algunos conceptos y hechos históricos que resultarían familiares a lectores estadounidenses, se hallan explicados en mayor detalle. Dos importantes movilizaciones ocurrieron en la primera semana de la…

  • A Conservative Threat Offers New Opportunities for Working Class Feminism

    Author Note: This article was written by Romina Akemi and Bree Busk for Solidaridad, the newspaper of the Chilean organization Solidaridad – Federación Comunista Libertaria. For this reason, more time is spent explaining history and concepts that would be familiar to a US audience. In the first week of Donald Trump’s presidency, there were two…

  • Interview: Breaking the Waves, Creating An Offensive

    A radio interview on feminism, anarchism and building a movement Romina Akemi of Black Rose/Rosa Negra is interviewed by “Free Flow” on KCHUNG Radio broadcasting from Chinatown, Los Angeles discussing “Breaking the Waves: Challenging the Liberal Tendency within Anarchist Feminism” written by Romina and Bree Busk for the Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS). The interview covers…