Tag: interview

  • Anarchists in the Labor Movement #1

    Anarchists in the Labor Movement #1

    This is the first installment in a new series of serialized interviews that we are calling Anarchists in the Labor Movement. As the title suggests, this series engages with anarchists who are active in workplace organizing. Some of those we speak to are building a militant minority within the rank-and-file of their existing union, others…

  • After the Social Explosion: An Interview with the Anarchist Federation of Santiago

    After the Social Explosion: An Interview with the Anarchist Federation of Santiago

    In this interview with Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation (BRRN), members of the Santiago Anarchist Federation (FAS) in Chile offer a number of criticisms and alternative proposals to the constitutional assembly process. Members of the FAS also speak to the role played by both the left and institutional forces, as well as factors that have…

  • Voices from the Front Line Against the Occupation: Interview with Palestinian Anarchists

    Voices from the Front Line Against the Occupation: Interview with Palestinian Anarchists

    In this new, even more horrifying phase of the 75 year long occupation of Palestine by Israel, it is important to give a platform to Palestinians struggling against ethnic cleansing.

  • Interview: Struggle Against Pension Reform in France

    Interview: Struggle Against Pension Reform in France

    Black Rose / Rosa Negra (BRRN) Introduction This interview was conducted between our sibling organizations Die Plattform (Germany) and Union Communiste Libertaire (France). It focuses on the recent large-scale strikes of French workers starting in January 2023 which were organized in opposition to a proposed ‘reform’ of the country’s pension system—effectively raising the age of…

  • Interview: UPS Teamster on the Possibility of Huge 2023 Strike

    Interview: UPS Teamster on the Possibility of Huge 2023 Strike

    The contract for some 340,000 UPS workers, organized by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), is set to expire at midnight on July 31st. In preparation for a possible walkout, Teamsters across the country began casting strike ballots earlier this week. A strike by UPS Teamsters would be the largest labor action at a single…

  • Interview: Adjunct Faculty on Recent Rutgers University Strike

    Interview: Adjunct Faculty on Recent Rutgers University Strike

    In April 2023, faculty and graduate student workers at Rutgers University staged an historic five day strike. The strike was mostly over wages and working conditions, and contributed to a recent wave of labor actions at institutions of higher education in the United States. While they did not win everything, the strike led to serious…

  • Members of Black Rose Discuss Rank-and-File Worker Power in UC Strike on KPFA Radio

    Members of Black Rose Discuss Rank-and-File Worker Power in UC Strike on KPFA Radio

    Two members of Black Rose / Rosa Negra’s California Bay Area Local were interviewed by It’s Going Down News on the massive academic worker strike in the University of California system. The discussion covered a range of topics, from the wildcat strike that proceeded this moment, to building a militant minority, to extending the struggle…

  • Interview with a Brazilian Anarchist on Lula, Bolsonaro, and Social Struggle

    Interview with a Brazilian Anarchist on Lula, Bolsonaro, and Social Struggle

    Bruno Lima Rocha is a political scientist, professional journalist and professor of international relations based in Brazil, and is a member of the editorial board of the Institute for Anarchist Theory and History (IATH-ITHA). The following interview has been lightly edited for clarity. Black Rose / Rosa Negra (BRRN): Looming over much of the political…

  • Insurgencia en el Peru: A Reportback from the Streets of Lima

    The abrupt replacement of president Martin Vizcarra by the president of congress Manuel Merino has ignited a week of protests in multiple cities in Peru, including Lima. Peruvians are outraged at what can best be described as a parliamentary coup, orchestrated by members of congress whose quick resignation only came after two young protesters lost…

  • Ungovernable: An Interview with Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin

    Author and independent writer William C. Anderson interviews veteran organizer and former Black Panther and political prisoner Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin on the current political crisis, fascism and rising relevance of Black anarchism. We also urge you to generously contribute towards a fundraising campaign organized by William to support Lorenzo and his partner JoNina Ervin. Both…