Tag: interview

  • “It’s About Power”: Interview on Social Work and Policing

    As the protest movement that emerged from the police murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor transitions from street protest to demands around defunding the police and creating alternatives to policing, various fields of social work have been put forward as offering alternatives. In this interview with Texas based social worker J. Rogue, we discuss…

  • The Current Moment in Ireland: Interview with Andrew Flood

    Black Rose / Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation member Brendan Maslauskas Dunn sat down with Irish anarchist, organizer and writer Andrew Flood on February 20, 2020. Flood is a member of the Irish anarcho-communist organization Workers Solidarity Movement. Many of his essays and articles can be found here. The interview took place exactly where you might…

  • Generations of Struggle: Interview with an Iranian Anarchist (2005)

    The original introduction for this interview opened with the telling words “there is a high probability that the current path of imperialist geo-politics in the Middle East will eventually lead the United States into open conflict with Iran” and then advised us that “basic internationalism compels us toward a better understanding of this country and…

  • “This is Overdue”: Interview with a Striking GM Worker

    As General Motors reaped $8.1 billion in profit and paid its CEO $22 million, nearly 50,000 GM workers have been on strike since Monday. While workers gave major concessions during the previous recession the company is digging in it’s heels over wages and has even cut off healthcare plans for workers. Marianne Garneau of Organizing…

  • Choosing Hope: Interview with Noam Chomsky

    Noam Chomsky discusses socialism, anarchism, and the fight for social change in U.S. politics today. This interview originally appeared in the Boston Review. Scott Casleton: In the past you’ve suggested that the Democrats and Republicans aren’t too far apart where it counts, such as in their support for corporate power. Do you still think this, or…

  • Will Bernie’s Proposals Build Worker Power? Interview With a Swedish Labor Activist

    Presidential candidate and open socialist Bernie Sanders announced this week that his campaign is preparing a proposal to encourage employee ownership in large companies. While details are yet to be released, what has been reported so far is the plan would have employers “contribute a portion of their stocks to a fund controlled by employees”…

  • On Strike at Stop & Shop: Interview from the Picket Line

    Starting Thursday, April 11th, 31,000 Stop & Shop grocery store workers at over 240 stores throughout New England went on strike to fight for a fair contract— what will be the largest strike in the U.S. since a 2016 walkout by Verizon workers. Stop & Shop workers are members of United Food and Commercial Workers…

  • “If You Want a General Strike, Organize Your Co-Workers” Interview with Joe Burns

    The following interview with Joe Burns, author of the important labor text Reviving The Strike, takes up the evergreen questions of the role of strikes and building a base within our workplaces. With the recent wave of teacher strikes these questions are back on the radar of the U.S. left but this interview from 2012…

  • Entrevista: Radio Proyección, una radio para los movimientos sociales

    Thomas Giovanni de Black Rose/Rosa Negra-Miami conversa con Pablo Abufom de Solidaridad (Chile) sobre la nueva Radio Proyección, una radio para los movimientos sociales. Conoceremos el origen de la radio, algunos de sus programas y los desafíos de los medios de comunicación independientes en la actualidad. Thomas Giovanni : Cuéntanos un poco sobre la estación…

  • The State of Social Movements in Latin America: An Interview with Raúl Zibechi

    Raúl Zibechi is a Uruguayan journalist and one of Latin America’s leading political theorists. He is an international analyst for Brecha newspaper in Uruguay and a professor at Multiversidad Franciscana de América Latina. Zibechi has written numerous books on social movements and politics across the Americas, including Territories in Resistance: A Cartography of Latin American…