Tag: labor

  • The Portland Solidarity Network Holds First Picket at Foster Auto Parts

    The Portland Solidarity Network Holds First Picket at Foster Auto Parts

    The Portland Solidarity Network recently came on to support Andrew, a former employee at Foster Auto Parts in east Portland.  According to Andrew, he was fired after he started to form a union with his co-workers.  This came after he was promised a raise for taking on extra tasks, and after he was let go his…

  • Portland Solidarity Network Delivers Demands to Foster Auto Parts [VIDEO]

    Portland Solidarity Network Delivers Demands to Foster Auto Parts [VIDEO]

    For 10:30 am on a Friday, the crowd just swelled beyond expectations on the corner of 26th and Foster in East Portland.  From union organizers to community groups, local activists to retirees, more than fifty supporters came together to stand with the Portland Solidarity Network (PDXSol) and Andrew Bobrek against the abuses he has alleged…

  • Massacre at the “Labor, Democracy and Peace Meeting” in Ankara

    This is a statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action on today’s bombing attack on the pro-Kurdish peace rally in Ankara, Turkey, which has so far killed more than 80 activists:   CAN’T BE FORGOTTEN, CAN’T BE FORGIVEN Today, on the 10th of October, the “Labor, Democracy and Peace Meeting” that was organized by various unions, associations…

  • Solidarity In Action: Housing and Labor Groups Support Workers at Janus Negotiations [VIDEO]

    Solidarity In Action: Housing and Labor Groups Support Workers at Janus Negotiations [VIDEO]

    The chants barely subsided as they pushed their way into the main office. Workers at the Janus Youth Shelter had seen their negotiations almost entirely halted as they saw the prospect of miniscule raises, layoffs, and cuts in services for the homeless at-risk youth they serve. As they moved into the office with a group…

  • Ready to Fight: Developing a 21st Century Community Syndicalism

    Ready to Fight: Developing a 21st Century Community Syndicalism

    There has been an effort by scholars and organizers alike over the last forty years to segregate anarcho-syndicalism from the rest of the broad anarchist movement. The labor movement dominated social struggles in the first half of the twentieth century, but as large business union bureaucracies were formed and new shop organizing began to diminish,…

  • An Early Death for the LA Teachers’ Struggle?

     By Zancudo M.  United Teachers Los Angeles, the union for 31,000 public school teachers in Los Angeles, announced late Friday that it had reached a tentative contract settlement with the LA Unified School District in the final hours of mediation. The settlement offer itself is a step forward from what had been on the table…