Tag: labor

  • West Virginia Isn’t Over Yet: Extend the Strike, Build Long Term Power

    What follows is a proposal, released as a leaflet you can download, for how to extend the strike unfolding in West Virginia. This is followed by a February 27 press release from opposing the attempt by union leaders and the Democratic Party pushing teachers across the state to end the current strike and return to…

  • Indonesian Uber Drivers Fight Back with Anarcho-Syndicalism

    As the “uberization” of the US economy continues, along with it is an ever precarious workforce struggling to make ends meet in the dog-eat-dog world of the so-called “sharing economy.” This trend is the same around the world, with Uber claiming to have more than two million drivers in over 80 counties across the globe…

  • Uruguay: On the Murder of a Labor Militant by a Scab

      The following are translated statements by the SUTCRA transportation union (El Sindicato Único del Transporte de Carga y Ramas Afines) and the FAU (Federación Anarquista Uruguaya)  SUTCRA communiqué on murder of Marcelo Silvera The Union of Freight Transport and Related Branches (SUTCRA) laments to communicate the condemnable and fateful murder of a comrade and…

  • Fighting for a Better World

    “What is an anarchist? One who, choosing, accepts the responsibility of choice.” -Ursula K. Le Guin It’s no secret that we, the people who walk around on this big, floating rock, make an incalculable number of choices in our daily lives. Most of these choices seem ordinary, and life goes on. In recent times, however,…

  • Response: What Kind of Formation to Build Working Class Power?

    By Tom Wetzel In a recent Socialist Worker piece Bill Keach asks the question, “Does the working class really need a party of its own to fight for and advance its interests?” In order to make his case for a “revolutionary socialist party,” the model favored by Leninists and those in the tradition of Trotskyism…

  • Bernie’s new minimum wage bill leaves workers a decade behind

    A new wage bill by Bernie Sanders, which proposes to raise minimum wage to $15 by 2024, raises important questions on movements and the Democratic Party. By Duane Wright   When leftists like myself tell progressives that the role of the Democratic party is to demobilize social movements and get people accepting less than what…

  • Los próximos 100 días: El primero de mayo y la resistencia obrera bajo Trump

    Un comunicado del Comité de luchas laborales de Rosa Negra Federación Anarquista Versión Inglés haga aqui. Luego de unos “primeros 100 días” implacables de reacción del régimen de Trump, incluyendo a un aumento de ataques hacia lxs inmigrantes, una temporada de caza para los capitalistas, campañas de bombardeo y la amenaza inminente de una nueva…

  • The Next 100 Days: May Day and Worker Resistance Under Trump

    A May Day statement from Black Rose/Rosa Negra Labor Sector Committee Versión Español haga aqui. After a ruthless “first 100 days” of reaction from the Trump regime, including escalating attacks on immigrants, open season for capitalists, bombing campaigns, and the looming threat of a new “law and order,” we stand in solidarity with those taking…

  • War on the docks! – Chilean Port Struggles Tour

    War on the docks! – Chilean Port Struggles Tour

    By Black Rose/Rosa Negra Labor Sector Join us in a speaking tour on the struggles and lessons of the Chilean port workers with Nelson Francino Valdes, an anarchist, dockworker, and president of the Federation of Portworkers of Iquique! Nelson has been involved in several of the most important struggles and strikes in Chile in recent…

  • Standing Up With the Burgerville Workers Union

    Standing Up With the Burgerville Workers Union

    Dressed in his work uniform, Jordan Vaandering looked like any other fast food employee heading into another long shift. But that day, April 26, was far from ordinary for the 25-year-old Burgerville employee. Since Vaandering makes under $10 per hour working at the drive-through, he had decided to come forward as a voice for a growing…