Tag: Popular Power

  • “The Center Can’t Hold”: IGD interviews Black Rose Anarchist Federation

    We are excited to present an interview of two comrades from Black Rose Anarchist Federation, Enrique Guerrero-López and Adam Weaver, discussing with It’s Going Down podcast the analysis and strategy document “Below and Beyond Trump, Power and Counter Power.” Topics discussed are the current political moment of Trumpism, social movements and building power from below and…

  • Indonesian Uber Drivers Fight Back with Anarcho-Syndicalism

    As the “uberization” of the US economy continues, along with it is an ever precarious workforce struggling to make ends meet in the dog-eat-dog world of the so-called “sharing economy.” This trend is the same around the world, with Uber claiming to have more than two million drivers in over 80 counties across the globe…

  • ICE Raids & Resistance: An Interview with Black Rose/Rosa Negra – Austin

    In February 2017, Austin, TX was rocked by a series of protests over ICE raids that resulted in over 50 immigrants being detained. Despite backlash from school administration, students played an active role in the mobilizations as they staged walk outs, highway take overs and street protests. The oppressive role of police goes beyone killing black and brown people on the street. In…

  • Koreatown LA Fights Back on 7-Eleven ICE Raids

    By Black Rosa/Rosa Negra LA and BRRN Social Media Team With Trump planning a major wave of ICE raids targeting Northern California in the coming weeks, especially targeting sanctuary cities, organized community responses are essential to beating back these attacks. The goal, as always with immigration enforcement, is to strike fear in immigrant communities, reinforce their…

  • After DACA: Winning Liberation for All Migrants

    A Statement by Black Rose/Rosa Negra – Los Angeles, Written by Los Angeles, Portland, and Austin comrades We are together in the fight to legalize all migration, to empty the deportation centers, to demilitarize and decolonize the borders, and to disband ICE. This is the same fight that existed before Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals…

  • Los próximos 100 días: El primero de mayo y la resistencia obrera bajo Trump

    Un comunicado del Comité de luchas laborales de Rosa Negra Federación Anarquista Versión Inglés haga aqui. Luego de unos “primeros 100 días” implacables de reacción del régimen de Trump, incluyendo a un aumento de ataques hacia lxs inmigrantes, una temporada de caza para los capitalistas, campañas de bombardeo y la amenaza inminente de una nueva…

  • Beyond Protest in the Age of Trump

    From South Florida Resistance Download a pamphlet version of this article here. In the early days of the Trump administration, we are seeing Trump’s utilization of executive orders to initiate and/or implement a wide array of right-wing policies.  He is starting to make troubling organizational moves, such as the appointment of Steve Bannon- the former…

  • An Early Death for the LA Teachers’ Struggle?

     By Zancudo M.  United Teachers Los Angeles, the union for 31,000 public school teachers in Los Angeles, announced late Friday that it had reached a tentative contract settlement with the LA Unified School District in the final hours of mediation. The settlement offer itself is a step forward from what had been on the table…