Category: Federation

  • Towards An Anarchist Theory of Power

    The following piece by Brazilian anarchist Felipe Corrêa reviews contemporary discussions of power from an anarchist perspective and their contributions to a broader theory of power for utilization in building analysis and strategy. To avoid confusion the article title has been changed to refer to an “anarchist theory of power” but we have preserved the…

  • Statement: Puerto Rican Feminists Demand Governor’s Resignation Due to Remarks

    Introduction by Aurora Santiago-Ortiz La Colectiva Feminista en Construcción, referred to as “La Cole,” began in 2013 when feminist activists from the Puerto Rican student movement and other radical activist spaces decided to create an intentional space to address multiple and simultaneous oppressions affecting womxn and femmes. La Cole is an intersectional political organization, with…

  • Has SYRIZA’s “Long March Through the Institutions” Come To An End?

    Greece’s Syriza was a beacon of hope to many parts of the left when they came to power in 2015 but the party’s quick capitulation to the austerity measures they campaigned against was a forceful affirmation of those critical of electoral strategies. With the party set to lose power after experiencing a heavy defeat in…

  • The Electoral Road to Power?

    As the left revisits questions of strategy and the role of elections in the path towards socialist transformation, author and veteran activist Tom Wetzel outlines both a critique of the electoral centered path and a strategy for working class power from below. By Tom Wetzel Could a shift from capitalism to socialism be brought about…

  • The Counter-revolution of 1776, the Genocide of 1779 and the “Village Destroyer” Washington

    By Brendan Maslauskas Dunn This world is engulfed in a whirlwind of myths. But myths give meaning. Every fourth of July I reflect on the power that myths hold over people and how those people above, those that hold all the power, wield those myths and forge them into cudgels, and weapons to be used…

  • What Went Wrong for the Municipalists in Spain?

    As Spain’s municipalist parties suffered a major setback in May’s elections, Barcelona based author Peter Gelderloos writes on how their own actions and inactions are largely to blame for the loss of support. For those not familiar, municipalism is a political current which emphasizes the building of participatory democracy at the local level through the…

  • Emancipation of the Working Class: The Legacy of the IWW

    Founded over 110 years ago on June 27, 1905, the Industrial Workers of the World, or IWW, created an iconic legacy and rich history of militant unionism in the U.S.  The union was founded by radical unionists and currents within the labor movement with the purpose of building an alternative to the conservative trade unionism…

  • Anarchism, Power, Class and Social Change

    This article by Brazilian anarchist Felipe Corrêa discusses the relationship of anarchism with power, class, and revolutionary social change. Starting from a definition of anarchism it proposes to conceptualize power in terms of asymmetric, or uneven, relationships between social forces. It also puts forward that anarchists have a conception of power based on the belief…

  • Audio Bakunin: Revolutions Podcast on Mikhail Bakunin

    One of the key early figures of anarchism, Russian revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin, is brought to life in two detailed and well researched episodes of Mike Duncan’s Revolutions Podcast. The series focuses on great revolutions of the modern era including the French, Haitian, American and Mexican revolutions, with the current focus on the Russian Revolution of…

  • Choosing Hope: Interview with Noam Chomsky

    Noam Chomsky discusses socialism, anarchism, and the fight for social change in U.S. politics today. This interview originally appeared in the Boston Review. Scott Casleton: In the past you’ve suggested that the Democrats and Republicans aren’t too far apart where it counts, such as in their support for corporate power. Do you still think this, or…