Category: Federation

  • ROC Confidential: Exposé of a Social Movement NGO

    The presence of social movement NGO’s cannot be missed within the American political landscape. And while they have faced well deserved critiques with the publishing of works such as The Revolution Will Not Be Funded or the related Accomplices Not Allies, there still remains much to unpack on all the ways they work against building…

  • Statement: One Month Since the Popular Revolt in Chile

    We present to you an analysis on the uprising that has been underway in Chile produced jointly by Black Rose/Rosa Negra (US), Solidaridad (Chile), and Acción Socialista Libertaria – ASL (Argentina). Versión en español abajo One Month Since the Start of the Popular Revolt in Chile: Feminist and Libertarian Communist Statement A Preface to October…

  • Instead of Impeachment: Indict the System

    By Black Rose/Rosa Negra Social Media Team Today the Democrats released their “Articles of Impeachment” to indict Trump, a narrow and legalistic critique of how Trump went outside of established norms to abuse his power and refuse to cooperate with the investigations of Congress. Completely left out, of course, is any larger critique of what’s…

  • Wildcat Strike Launched by UC Santa Cruz Grad Student Workers

    Wildcat Strike Launched by UC Santa Cruz Grad Student Workers

    Could the #Red4Ed strike wave spill over to higher education and graduate student organizing? Participant Cameron .A. writes on the announced strike hours after the vote was taken. By Cameron A. Graduate student workers at the Santa Cruz campus of the leviathan University of California have voted to launch a wildcat grading strike in the…

  • A Letter to Intellectuals Who Hide Behind the Word “Purity”

    A commentary responding to the Monthly Review Online piece “A letter to intellectuals who deride revolutions in the name of purity” on the question of revolution and state power. By Patrick Berkman “I think we could really not just lose people but lose sight of our own goals if we get sucked into these purity…

  • Colombia: All Out for the National Social Strike on November 21

    Social movements in Colombia are filling the streets today, November 21, for a ‘paro nacional’ in protest of neoliberal attacks on education and pensions. Political tension has increased with calls for the resignation of right-wing president Iván Duque, while the State has enacted new repressive measures and former president Álvaro Uribe is implicating provocateurs and…

  • Bolivia: The Extreme Right Takes Advantage of a Popular Uprising

    In the following translated article by Raúl Zibechi, the long-time Uruguayan militant and analyst of social movements in Latin America, the author adopts the position that the resignation of Evo Morales was the outcome of his government marginalizing and repressing the very social movements that had formed the base of Morales’ Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS)…

  • Bolivia: Commentary on the Coup Underway

    With the situation in Bolivia in motion, we offer this brief commentary from a Black Rose/Rosa Negra comrade in Latin America on the current situation. By Romina Akemi I am not going to offer a hot take on the situation in Bolivia. But I can offer an opinion as a historian who has studied Bolivian…

  • Social Movements Gave Rise to the “Teachers’ Revolt,” Not Bernie

    With the 2020 election already on the horizon we republish this commentary responding to the deeply flawed narrative that Bernie Sanders’ campaign played a key role in the teacher strike wave rather than social movement organizing with much deeper roots. The authors are a West Virginia teacher active in the 2018 strike and an education…

  • “This is Overdue”: Interview with a Striking GM Worker

    As General Motors reaped $8.1 billion in profit and paid its CEO $22 million, nearly 50,000 GM workers have been on strike since Monday. While workers gave major concessions during the previous recession the company is digging in it’s heels over wages and has even cut off healthcare plans for workers. Marianne Garneau of Organizing…