The Latest from Black Rose/Rosa Negra

  • Black Rose/Rosa Negra 10 Year Anniversary Event

    Black Rose/Rosa Negra 10 Year Anniversary Event

    2024 marks the 10th anniversary of our organization’s founding. This is a milestone on which we will soon have more substantial reflections to offer – keep your eyes out! For now, we are excited to invite you to join us in Oakland on August 10th for a public celebration marking a decade of Black Rose/Rosa Negra.…

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  • Especifismo Before its Critics

    Especifismo Before its Critics

    We present here a translation of an article which appeared on July 7, 2024 in the recently revived Spanish anarchist journal Regeneración Libertaria. The journal describes itself as “a portal for the revolutionary anarchist tendency, concretely of the especifista current, adapted to the Iberian Peninsula”. Despite its original theoretical texts appearing in Spanish, the anarchist…

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  • Anarchists in the Labor Movement #1

    Anarchists in the Labor Movement #1

    This is the first installment in a new series of serialized interviews that we are calling Anarchists in the Labor Movement. As the title suggests, this series engages with anarchists who are active in workplace organizing. Some of those we speak to are building a militant minority within the rank-and-file of their existing union, others…

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  • From Below Podcast Episode 3: Bringing Indigenous Revolution to Campus

    From Below Podcast Episode 3: Bringing Indigenous Revolution to Campus

    From Below, the podcast of Black Rose/Rosa Negra, is back! This time with a recording of a discussion panel titled, Bringing Indigenous Revolution to Campus. This panel happened recently at the Stanford University Palestine solidarity encampment and was organized by members of the Bay Area Local of Black Rose, which includes some students and workers…

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  • Resist & Return: Nakba Day Posters

    Resist & Return: Nakba Day Posters

    Today the Nakba continues. Both in the sense that generations of Palestinians remain displaced from their homes, but also in that Israeli settlers continue to harass, attack, and kill Palestinians in an attempt to dispossess them of their land.

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  • A Letter From Black Rose Militants in California Public Universities to Our Colleagues

    A Letter From Black Rose Militants in California Public Universities to Our Colleagues

    As members of grad student union UAW 4811 across the University of California begin voting in a unfair labor practice strike authorization in response to the encampment crackdown, members of BRRN who work in California universities drafted the following statement. We write to you as our California-based campuses join the ongoing encampment campaigns at American…

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