Appel à la solidarité et à l’envoi de fonds pour les travailleurs d’Haïti !

Appel à la solidarité et à l’envoi de fonds pour les travailleurs d’Haïti ! Une catastrophe naturelle vient de s’abattre sur Haïti, dont nous n’entrevoyons encore que la surface. Les haitiens vont devoir lutter pour reconstruire leur vie et leurs maisons, et ce vraisemblablement pour des décennies considérant cet effondrement sans précédent, à la fois […]

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Call for Solidarity and Funds for the Working People of Haiti!

A natural disaster has descended upon Haiti whose scope we only are seeing the surface of at this time. The Haitian people will be struggling to rebuild their lives and their home possibly for decades in light of unprecedented collapse, both physical and social. Yet despite the unpredictability of earthquakes, this disaster is unnatural, a […]

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Έκκληση για αλληλεγγύη και οικονομική ενίσχυση

Μια φυσική καταστροφή έχει επέλθει πάνω στην Αϊτή της οποίας προς στιγμήν βλέπουμε μόνο την επιφάνεια. Ο λαός της Αϊτής θα αγωνιστεί για να ξαναφτιάξει τη ζωή του και τα σπίτια του, ενδεχομένως για δεκαετίες υπό το φως μιας άνευ προηγουμένου πτώσης, τόσο φυσικής όσο και κοινωνικής. Ωστόσο, παρά το απρόβλεπτο των σεισμών, αυτή η […]

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Llamado para Solidaridad y Fondos para l@s obrer@s de Haití!

Una catástrofe ha caído encima de Haití cuya dimensión solo vemos la superficie en este momento. El pueblo haitiano estará luchando para rehacer sus vidas y sus hogares posiblemente durante decadas en vista del colapso sin precedentes, tanto físico como social. Pero a pesar de la incertidumbre de los terremotos, este desastre no es natural, […]

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Een onnatuurlijke ramp: Solidariteit voor Haiti!

Oproep voor solidariteit en fondsen voor de werkende mensen van Haiti! Een natuurramp is op Haiti neergedaald, waarvan we op dit moment alleen de oppervlakte van de gevolgen zien. Het Haitische volk zal mogelijk gedurende decennia vechten om hun levens en hun huizen opnieuw op te bouwen, in het licht van de ineenstorting zonder precedent, […]

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Now More Than Ever: Lessons for Rebuilding the Student Movement in the U.S. Today

By Pablo

As I seriously consider the prospect of seeking economic asylum from the “Great Recession” in the university, I find myself ruminating more frequently on my experience as a student organizer. The group I helped found at my university, a chapter of United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS), is no longer there; even though I only graduated two years ago. It has vanished without a trace; the only sign alerting to our short-lived existence is an infrequently updated student organization website that still list’s our student group’s name as an active organization. It doesn’t come as a surprise to me that the group fell apart after the graduation of a few core members. Despite learning many important lessons near the end of my time as a student organizer, their late implementation greatly hindered our chances of success; as such I think our demise as a group was inevitable. This is a fate suffered by many student organizations in the U.S. The student organizing landscaped is littered with the corpses of militant sounding acronyms, cancelled domain names, and list serves that were deleted due to inactivity. Yet, this dump site could be rehabilitated, and there are plenty of good reasons as to why it must be. In the following analysis I intend to discuss my own experience and trajectory as a student organizer, lay out what I think are the most important lessons, and outline what I believe students need to be doing in order to build a powerful and combative student movement.

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The M Circle

Si tuviera que describir las circunstancias bajo las que conocí al viejo Nibaldo, más bien tendría que decir con sinceridad que nunca lo conocí. Aquel encuentro, palabras dispersas, comentarios risueños que emitía con su bigotón de hombre antiguo y su dentadura dilapidada. Pude saber algo de su vida a través de las historias que le gustaba […]

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